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    Taste soo good! It MELTS! I use it on pizza, quesadillas, grill cheese, burritos, and sooo many other recipes. It's so nice to have a substitute for our family! Even our non-vegan friends didn't even notice the difference. (Exception of hard core cheese fans) I'm so happy about this product!

  • honestly - Unfortunate

    At first it seemed to repel the rain, but after a week, the fabric turned brownish and spotty. It is a Restoration Hardware fabric, and should not have turned color.

  • CooCooBananas - This is a great product. Had a bed sore

    This is a great product. Had a bed sore, or pressure sore on my butt cheeks, for about 9-10 months. Tried hydrocortisone, helped a little.. Tried Spermaceta. That broke me out in a bad rash all over the butt cheeks, worse than ever. Finally, in desperation, (when I had a sore on a blood vein where most of the pressure was because I had no fat on my butt to protect it), I looked on internet and Emuaid came up. So, though very expensive, for me, I ordered 2 jars. and hoped for the best. Bought a $10 waffle foam pad, for the bed, and those two things did the trick. Now, I tell everybody about the healing attributes of Emuaide.

  • Dacia S. Ewing - Don't Do it!!

    This is the worse phone I have ever purchased in my life. I have had the phone for over 6 months and if I could return it to get my money back or exchange it for something else I would do it in a heartbeat. The sound quality is bad. The phone shuts off on its own. The battery isn't worth two dead flies. It stopped reading my memory card, so I can't play any of my music or save photos to the SD card. When I tell you to run away from this thing I mean it. Don't put yourself through the irritation that is this phone. ANYTHING is better than this.

  • Michael G Williamson - Most frustrating customer service experience ever

    Do not buy this miserable POS. Lenovo's willingness to support their products is even worse than the stick.

  • hellpuppy - Makes great videos, but barely acceptable battery life

    There HERO 3 Black Edition is one powerful tiny video camera. I wont bore you with restating the specs, but suffice to say the resolutions, frame rates, etc all work as advertised and produce some outstanding videos. Again, I'm sure if you're looking at this, you've already seen videos online of what this baby can do. So allow me to tell you a few things that the specs and demonstrations do not....