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  • Tami - Georgie+Gianluca+Gelato=5 stars

    I've been looking forward to Georgie's book since we met her this summer. She is quite the character! And I was not disappointed. RS Grey delivers an emotional romance filled with her classic wit and comedic timing. Her writing in this one is fantastic. I was truly transported to Italy in this one.

  • pmfb22 - Great Light!

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  • Amos Smith - Rohr’s exposition moves us from tired metaphors of Monarch and Singular Reality toward an expanded horizon of Relationality

    The Trinity is hugely important in the twenty first century. In my opinion The Trinity and the Incarnation are the doctrinal core of Christian Mystical Tradition. They are a wake-up call from arrogance and certainty to a combination of knowing and not knowing, which is the root of deep faith accompanied by appropriate humility.

  • Conservative Reader - WOW.

    Dinesh really brings to light what is in obamas twisted mind. Stops our off shore drilling but give money to SA countries to do off shore drilling. Gives back the bust of Winston Churchill. Why, well you need to rent the video to understand why. Obama is out to destroy this country and people have no idea or care only to vote for a man not to be called raciest.

  • Tracy - Not worth the money

    I didn't notice any change in my milk supply. But I did notice a change in my stomach, these pills gave me diarrhea.

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