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  • Aeneas - What Happened to Ouija?

    The novelty of a Glow-In -The -Dark Ouija is appealing, and works for me. But why has Hasbro downsized this Ouija and given us a planichet that has sticky feet (use to be felt, now rubber) and will break in half when stressed. The Board has been made so musch smaller, and feels like Contact paper on Heavy Cardboard. I'm not impressed, if you can find one at a garage sale go for it!

  • ShopperinCO - Lost weight but horrible side effects

    I started taking this last Friday as directed on the package...two caplets three times a day. The first day I felt really sick to my stomach and really bloated and gassy. I also had diarrhea. It was also difficult to sleep. The second day the gassiness was still there but not as bad but I started to get really bad dizzy spells. The third day it was the same thing, but I woke up with three HUGE pimples on my face. Not normal little pimples these are enormous and very painful. I decided to continue as I was losing weight, but I took only one caplet three times a day - so cut my dosage in half. The fourth day I found another huge pimple on my neck and decided to stop taking the drug. I lost 4 pounds in the three days I took it but seriously I would rather just diet and exercise more than deal with the acne and bloated feeling. I did feel more calm and relaxed but again, the side effects aren't worth it to me.

  • T. King - A really good Chromebook

    This is my third Chromebook in over four years with my first being a Samsung 5 550 and my second an hp 14. They are both working and in excellent condition with no signs of slowing down like a Windows machine. This one reminds me of a slightly bigger updated version of my Samsung 5 550 which my son now has. While I loved my hp 14 with the free data I really want a illuminated keyboard and the 1080p screen was a plus, and was a must before getting a new CB. The screen is nice and bright and just beautiful. The keyboard illumination has five levels of adjustment and the first level is good enough for me. I like the speakers under the keyboard vs on the bottom, I can use it without muffling the sound. It's nice an light compared to the hp which I just sold to my friend to reduced the price of this one because my son didn't want it, he wants illuminated keyboard also. This is a great device with good battery life, the fan is audible when it's quite and comes on when watching video mostly.

  • ireeexh - I'm not the best chef out there

    I loveeeee these pans! My first set of non-stick pots and pans didn't last a month. They were cheap, so maybe I should have expected that. After doing some research on durable pans, I decided to go with T-fal. They're not as expensive but still efficient. I've been using them for 4 months now. The non-stick is no joke. I'm not the best chef out there, I haven't burned anything on these pans yet, but seriously, nothing sticks on these pans. Everything slides off so easily, it makes for a simple happiness in life. I loathe washing pans because food gets stuck unto them, and it takes muscle and willpower to scrub them off. With these, I just wait for the pans to cool, soak them in warm water (if tidbits of food/grease is really stuck), and just wash no problem, no ridiculous amount of effort exerted. With proper care, I can see these lasting a long while. So happy to have them! And they make learning how to cook more enjoyable.