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  • mimi - not very good for heath

    I tryed this for about 3months It really dose give energy whitch I loved it helped with gym time but it started makeing me real sick pain is stomech and stared throwing up I don't reccomend .. I did lose a lil wieght but I was going to the gym a lot.

  • Jeff B - Works well, doesn't slow down the laptop

    The McAfee Internet Security is priced well and does a good job protecting my laptop. The Anti --Virus package came with my Asus laptop and I decided to purchase the same package again, i didn't want the total protection for fear that this would slow down the computer. I do recommend this product, the price is excellent.

  • pollock - You'll need 2 or 3 bottles and 2 coats. Buy 6 bottles of other products for the same price

    I detail all 3 of my cars twice a year, clay bar, wax and do the interior . Wipe new is unforgiving. If not applied properly it will streak, leave marks where it is unattended. One bottle will not be enough to finish the interior of a Honda Civic, let alone do the 2 coats that will be needed. Flat plastic non textured surfaces streak easily. Application instructions say to overlap surfaces with one swipe. That is very hard unless the applicator cloth is saturated thus over applying product. If you work the product into textured surfaces it tends to streak, much like over brushing with paint or varnish. Not even bother try leather, the leather will absorb so much material and a 2nd coat will be needed. I did the running boards of my Honda Pilot and the tailgate lip protector. 1 month and 1 car wash later the areas were spotted and weathered. The black panel below the rear bumper and mudguards retained their finish. As much as the product costs it would be better to buy 4 bottles of armour all or comparable product and apply the product one or twice a year

  • jz5188 - It works like Charm, Inspection Passed! Yoho!!!!!

    I got my year2000 lexus es300 check engine light (CEL) on and code is P0420, the car got 185K miles already, my inspection is coming, What I do? change a OEM catalyst converter cost me $2000. Check amazon reviews, I got this one and poured it in base on instruction. Did not work for the first 10 miles with 1/4 tank, CEL back again. After refilled the gas tank, I deleted the CEL but it back on again after 50 miles, I deleted again then it back after 100 miles. I gave up and even want to buy all parts(O2 sensors and catalyst converter), but finally it works after 150 miles, Code P0420 are gone and CEL never back on. I went to MVC and Passed inspection, Binggo! Now it is more than 200 miles and still no light on.

  • Angela J. Olsen - I really love the Idealboost drink mix

    I really love the Idealboost drink mix, it helps keep me from getting hungry in between meals and gives me a little energy boost without any shaky feelings. It has a very light citrus taste. You can cut back on the amount of water you mix in to make the flavor a little stronger. Very easy to take on the go, for those busy afternoons when you need a little pick me up!

  • kovarik - I would have given it 5 stars as it did ...

    I would have given it 5 stars as it did kill the fleas, but unfortunately it also killed my cat. After a week of use my cat was flea free but had stopped eating and drinking. We took the collar off and bathed her but the vet said nothing else could be done but to wait. A week later she passed away. I wished I had stayed away based off of the negative reviews, but I didn't and now my healthy cat of 10 years is gone.

  • Steven Hallett - From what they said the game is amazing, and having played most of the Battlefield games ...

    The only downside to this is actually waiting for the package to arrive, since it has the key I need to get the game installed. Right now my friends are playing since they got their keys from GreenManGaming. As it stands I will be hurrying to download the 47 gigs of data once I get home so I can get to gaming with my friends. From what they said the game is amazing, and having played most of the Battlefield games I have no doubt they're right.