

Chemo For Beginners - an A to Z of all things "C" | Chemo For Beginners – An A to Z of all things "C" - This blog is in the process of being written and links will be made live as the post is published. If you would like to receive notifications of a new post, please follow me - either on Facebook, Twitter or by email (enter email address on the sidebar on the right). Introduction A is for……

  • About Me | Chemo For Beginners - an A to Z of all things "C" - I was diagnosed with a large and aggressive, ER+, HER2+++ Stage 3 breast cancer last year at the age of 33. I had the works – chemo (dose dense fortnightly AC-T), surgery, Herceptin (which damaged my heart and was ceased after 5 months), ongoing hormone therapy and I am currently awaiting reconstruction. I kept a…
  • Contact Me | Chemo For Beginners - an A to Z of all things "C" - Email me at [email protected]  or find me on Facebook at Looking forward to hearing from you! X
  • Useful Links | Chemo For Beginners - an A to Z of all things "C" - Information on all things "C" The safest places to get information on your diagnosis, treatments and the side effects, drugs, prognosis, surgery and practical and financial advice. Breast Cancer Care Macmillan Cancer Research UK Beauty and Hairloss Look Good Feel Better - wonderful charity offering free workshops on skincare and make-up with free (and fantastic!) goody…
  • Intro | Chemo For Beginners - an A to Z of all things "C" - Hello folks, I was diagnosed with an aggressive primary, locally advanced breast cancer last year at the age of 33, and kept a journal of my experiences and tips that helped me through treatment. Apart from the cathartic element of sharing my experiences and tips (which I am doing in an A-Z format - hence the name!),…
  • G is for… Gift Ideas for Cancer Patients | Chemo For Beginners - an A to Z of all things "C" - I was inundated with cards, flowers and presents when I was first diagnosed, which was incredibly kind and generous and it definitely helped knowing that friends and family were rooting for me. However (and I need to tread carefully here as I don’t want to offend anyone!) my house did end up looking like a…
  • H is for… Hairloss | Chemo For Beginners - an A to Z of all things "C" - Although I stocked up on wigs and invested in a pair of clippers – I was fortunate enough with the cold cap not to have to use them. However, dealing with hair loss is a massive part of a cancer diagnosis so a friend (who is MUCH braver and MUCH prettier than me and is…
  • J is for… Jumping the Gun – “Scanxiety” | Chemo For Beginners - an A to Z of all things "C" - OMG! THE FEAR that follows a cancer diagnosis!! The problem is that (contrary to popular opinion) we can never be given the "all clear" and have to be happy with being "NED" (No Evidence of Disease). The new challenge following treatment is managing this knowledge and being vigilant but without panicking that every lump and…
  • L is for… Lymphoedema | Chemo For Beginners - an A to Z of all things "C" - Being an absolute klutz, the risk of lymphoedema really scared me and, before I understood it a bit more, I was convinced I'd get it straightaway. I knew nothing about it before being diagnosed with breast cancer (as if we didn't have enough to bloody worry about!), but it is an important topic with significant…
  • N is for… Nutrition and Diet | Chemo For Beginners - an A to Z of all things "C" - Like A is for… Alternative and Complimentary Medicine, this is a bit of a minefield with many people, patients, nutritionists and medical experts having very strong, but opposing views, which makes it really confusing for us patients! Who should we believe?!! I'm afraid I don't have the answers, but here's my view to throw into the mix!…
  • P is for… Preparing Yourself for Treatment and Surgery | Chemo For Beginners - an A to Z of all things "C" - Don't be scared - take some control back and be prepared! Being prepared for each stage of my treatment and surgery gave me back some control and helped ease the anticipation and fear of the unknown. It also helped keep me busy and passed the time in the run up to the next daunting stage…
  • Q is for… Quacks and Nurses | Chemo For Beginners - an A to Z of all things "C" - Your main medical team will be made up of your GP, surgeon, oncologist and lots of wonderful nurses. Depending on your diagnosis and treatment plan you might get some other specialists added on along the way. I now have a cardiologist, opthamologist, physiotherapist and dermatologist thrown into the mix. I'll discuss what they do briefly…
  • R is for… Reconstruction | Chemo For Beginners - an A to Z of all things "C" - When I was diagnosed and found out I had to have a mastectomy, I thought I was going to end up with horrible, scarred Frankenboobs. However, as I researched my options and sneaked a peak at as many reconstructions as I could (many girls are so pleased with their recon that they are happy to…
  • X is for… X-Rays, Tests and Scans | Chemo For Beginners - an A to Z of all things "C" - Some of you will feel like you've been poked, prodded and scanned within an inch of your life between from finding your initial symptom, throughout diagnosis and treatment and beyond. Others will just have a few initial scans and that might be it. It depends on your pathology, how straightforward it is, and on your…
  • Z is for… Zapping those Cancer Cells with Radiotherapy | Chemo For Beginners - an A to Z of all things "C" - Radiotherapy is a doddle compared to chemotherapy. It zaps any stray cells that might be left after surgery. Whether or not you need it, how many sessions you have and the strength of the zapping will all be down to your individual pathology. Planning and Tattoos. The radiotherapy planning is very painless. They take what seems…
  • Index | Chemo For Beginners - an A to Z of all things "C" - This blog is in the process of being written and links will be made live as the post is published. If you would like to receive notifications of a new post, please follow me – either on Facebook, Twitter or by email (enter email address on the sidebar on the right). Introduction A is for… Alternative and Complimentary…
  • A is for… Alternative and Complimentary Medicine | Chemo For Beginners - an A to Z of all things "C" - This is a bit of a minefield and I'm not going to dish out any advice as don't want to give you any wrong info. All I would say is check with your oncologist before you use any alternative or complimentary medicine, vitamin and mineral supplements and even aromatherapy agents. For example, I was given…

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