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Country:, North America, US

City: -80.9091 North Carolina, United States

  • Steffie Rae Senior - I Am More Than Pleased

    As a Prime Member, I got this at a great price, and it is worth every cent. I have tested the nylon filter and for me, I use it like a single serving Bodem, which allows the grounds to sit in the water for awhile. Lift out the filter with the grounds to let the coffee drain, and whalah, an awesome cup of coffee.

  • Grey - too tall/big for kid

    My 10 year old rode 20" unicycle at summer camp, so I bought this one for it's high rating. However, received a different brand "Fun" instead, and the seating is too high, and even at the lowest setting, it's too big for my kid. The height is really for grown up male, but grown up is better with 24".

  • Phil - Bad Handle

    Handle was uncomfortable to hold. Too thin. felt like It was going to cut my hand when I picked it up. Sent back for refund.

  • Marc Whittington - These work great

    I love how well these allow me to breathe. When I roll from one side to another while sleeping my lower nasal passage clogs up which causes me to wake up. When I wear these nasal strips, there is a huge improvement. The adhesive does leave some residue in the morning but I just take a couple extra seconds while showering to remove. I have had no adverse reactions to using the strips daily except for better sleep.

  • HootHootie - I did not spray a small section so I could better determine the results

    I have grey asphalt shingles on my roof with the black discoloration that comes from mold over many years. I followed the directions and mixed with water. I applied this onto the roof shingles with a garden sprayer in late August in Raleigh, NC. I did not spray a small section so I could better determine the results. One month later I questioned whether the W&F stuff was working at all. Even two months later with probably eight rains I still questioned it. However, now it's been four months and I must say this stuff works well in removing the black discoloration on asphalt shingles. My asphalt shingles were probably a 7 on the scale of one to ten in how bad they were (ten being the worst). This stuff probably removed about 75% of the discoloration. I'm going to apply a second application of this W&F stuff again in the Spring. My conclusion is this stuff definitely works. It might take three or four months, but it works.