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  • D. Holbrook - Good upholstery cleaner

    I bought this to clean my white fabric purse that's the size of a carpet bag. I had my purse for a year and a half I bought it in Hawaii. Well it had pink stains, pen marks, dirt, and black outline marks from every day use. This bag is a designer bag that people usually bring out on special occasions, but it is my every day bag. It was getting embarrassing carrying it, bc it was so filthy. I read up on how to clean fabric bags and an upholstery cleaner was recommended. I used this on my purse, it took me the whole afternoon and morning and about 10 applications letting it soak each time( only one bottle), but my purse now has no stains and looks like the day I bought it. Amazing! I wished I had known about this stuff when I use to have dining chairs with white upholstery( I just tossed them out and learned not to buy those). So with this stuff it is possible to buy white upholstery.:)

  • Richard Thompson - Office 2007, Only Blander

    I didn't like Office 2007, and 2010 (which I've seen in operation) is almost identical to 2007 except you can customize the ribbon some. Problem is, the ribbon is just awful for me, and I've been using it for over a year now. It brings up front features that I never have and never will use, while making me go on a treasure hunt to find what I DO use. It's also a display real estate hog.

  • Old Man Muscles - Amazing Shave With A Quality Razor, at a Great Price.

    Last summer I bought in all the online hype about shaving with safety razors, so I own the Utopia care and Weishi 9306 safety razors. Though they give smooth shaves, I didn't think they did any better of a job than my Schick Hydro 5 blade razor. Regardless how or with what razor I shaved with, I had alot of growth after 2 days. I was using all 3 razors in rotation as part of my shaving habit, when I got down to my last blade for the hydro. When watching lots of wet shave videos on Youtube, I noticed many did reviews of the Dorco Pace 6. Since it was selling for $20 on Amazon, I decided to give it a try. I was very satisfied on the feel of the razor in my hand, and the shave I got from it. 10 blades and a razor for $20 is a great deal on it's on, but then a really close shave seals the deal for me. I've had 2 nick free shaves so far, and I'm impressed with the quality of the shave. Maybe I'm doing something wrong, but I don't think so. After shaving with a safety razor, the hydro, and now the Dorco Pace 6, I don't believe safety razors gives a closer less irritating shave. I'll use all 4 in my rotation, but I love this Dorco. For the price and smoothness of the shave, I see why the dollar shave club had it as their best razor.

  • Christa Desir - Holiday romance with well-rounded characters

    I loved this beautiful story because it was so different as a holiday romance. It was about redemption and forgiveness and believing in the best parts of someone. What made this book particularly unique is that it starts years after an incident that gave Caleb, the hero of the story, a bad reputation in town. So readers are introduced to Caleb five years after he'd done something that he deeply regretted. After he'd been to therapy and worked through his parents' divorce and his anger over that. After he'd had a violent incident with his sister that changed the course of their lives. So this isn't a "bad boy" story or a story where all it takes to save the tortured hero is the "right girl." Instead, this romance eschews that and shows us Caleb after he's done the hard work of fixing himself.