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Country:, Oceania, AU

City: 151.1982 New South Wales, Australia

  • Sonya A Byrne - Amazing

    As soon as I started using the Balancing Toner along with the rest of the system, I immediately saw an amazing difference in my skin. My skin is not oily, but not dried out either as other products have made it. My face is soft and smooth, with no redness, and the acne I had along my jawline is almost gone, in a matter of days!

  • victoria - love it

    I'm am pleased to say with in two weeks i have energy again. i haven't fallowed the diet or exercise plan suggested. But to have energy again means everything to me, i can focus and get thing accomplished. thank you

  • Cleo C Lowrance Jr - Loved The Lucy Book

    I recommend this book for anyone who loved Desi and Lucy. The book made me sad for Desi and Lucy at times. A good read. Could. It put the book down. Deserves five stars.

  • jennypoo - It Works does Not Work!

    Another product that is useless. I have used these several times because they were given to me by a girl who got out of the business of selling them. Like ANYTHING that you spend money on, relax with for a little while, your skin is going to feel and look rested the same as when you get a facial. It brightens your skin for a while and you think you see a difference, until the next down the drain. These things are totally too the long run, more than a professional office can give you.

  • Ron S - Minimun System Resources

    I am very aware of virus activities on the internet so I reckless when using the internet. Kaspersky indicated I picked up something suspicious but I was unaware of how to resolve the issue. That is my problem, it is not obvious how to handle issues. I must assume it is being handled by Kaspersky. I hope.

  • cs211 - A wide variety in many aspects, including quality

    I have to give guest editor Jennifer Egan a certain amount of credit for selecting a wide variety of stories for inclusion in the 2014 volume of the Best American Short Stories (BASS). In her concise introduction she explains what characteristic of each selection distinguished it in her eyes. Unlike some previous guest editors of this series, who selected works that in some fashion resembled their own, Egan used quite a broad range of selection criteria.

  • Michelle - Worth the extra money

    Love this stuff. Keeps me from having to take OTC antihistamines which cause me to have dry mouth, lethargy and depression. Also, I never have to take it as long as I used to have to take of the OTC stuff. When I would get an allergy attack, I used to have to take the OTC stuff for at least a week, and the longest I usually have to take this is 3 days.