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  • Jeffrey S - Chaos on Parade

    I don't know what the previous versions of this book looked liked, but the 2013 edition suggests new "authors" and a product that was tossed together out of bits and pieces of other works. The result isn't pretty. I've already directly notified Frommers about the absurd map of the Metro system on page 80 that omits 5 metro stations including the Vatican. If I didn't have previous experience in Europe I would be scratching my head trying to figure out what I would need to get by electronics to work in Rome [Page 934 refers you to your local electonics store] and the "Telephones" section on pages 940-941 leaves me clueless as to how to call the nearby pizza place in Florence. Indeed, the authors seem to have an impressive ignorance of the REAL problmes most of us face as travlers. Want to know if and how to take the bus from Florence to Sienna, and the schedule, and whether there is such a thing as a reservation? You won't find it here.

  • mc1382 - 2014 Forest Hills Drive is a good listen

    Good effort from J.Cole this in my opinion is his best album yet. It's more stripped back and J.Cole did a good job with the instrumentals. It's Worth multiple listens it is recommended

  • aar4 - A good nontechnical overall guide to SS and Medicare

    Overall, this is a comprehensive and understandable guide to the way SS works, for the general reader. For someone approaching their 60's, questions such as whether to start payments early or late, or how to figure a spouse's benefit are covered in detailed, non-technical language. There are some curious oversights: for example, nowhere in the book could I find a statement of the maximum age at which you must start drawing SS (it's age 70), or an explanation that an employee cannot be shifted to Medicare at age 65 if he or she continues to work for an employer offering a health plan to all employees. Still, this answered most of my questions and I was glad to have found it.