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  • Golf Chick - Noticeable Results in a week!

    I've resolved to replace any of my make up and cleaning products that are animal tested with cruelty free brands. When I ran out of my night time serum (from a well known brand with a French name often referred to by 3 initials) I choose the Patricia Wexler Intensive Night Reversal and Repair cream. After a week my skin felt noticeably softer and more supple. I decided to go ahead and begin using her full line and not wait for all my products to run out. The skin regenerating serum is GREAT! Just a tiny bit goes a long way and I use it 2x day on my face, neck and down to my collar bones. It's amazing how much softer and smoother my skin feels. It's also less expensive than what I was using so it's a good deal all around! Definitely recommend this line.

  • Carochen - What a waste

    I still have my old copies of Sim City 2000 and 3000, they are some of my favorite games of all time. I've been looking forward to this game for a long time and when I finally got my hands on it I have to say, this looked like more of the same great stuff. I worked through the tutorial and built my first city...and was booted by some sort of server error. Get back in and my city is nowhere to be found. Started a new city, having fun...and then the same thing happens AGAIN. I'm done. My gaming time is too limited these days to waste with this bunk. I don't pirate games and yet I am being punished by this "always on" circus. Even if I loved this game would I still get to play in ten years? Or does it depend on how long EA runs the servers? To see this fantastic Maxis IP being ruined by EA's ineptitude is very sad.

  • B. Petty - Good buy

    Great feel. Good buy. Needed a nudge to my game. A new solid feel to my mid irons was the shot in the arm I needed.

  • Mike - great fit and easy to install

    Be careful of gasket seal that meets up with roof rails. The corners have a tendency to fold under. Other than that, great fit and easy to install.

  • Beverly Beth Urban - 2014 Photographer's Market

    The Photographer's Market is the serious "photographer's bible" with an excellent source of information for anyone wanting to sell photos. Not only does it contain much-needed information for professional photographers but it is helpful for beginning photographers as well.

  • john galt - You'd be better off buying a retarded monkey to manage your finances

    I wish I could give negative stars! This is far and away the worst, buggiest version EVER. They've been getting steadily worse with each forced upgrade, but this one takes the cake.