
Safepatientproject : Website stats and valuation - Consumer Union's Safe Patient Project has initiated infection-reporting legislation in almost every state, drafted model legislation, and raised public

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  • Sharon Tanner - Excellent Reading If You Loved Lucy!

    Very well written. As a long time fan of this couple, I was surprised that I learned quite a lot. Highly recommended!

  • I. Bennett - Definetly Recommend

    I've been using this product for almost a month and I can definetly see slight results. I read a review saying it took 4 months to see full results, Im confident it that time frame. Maybe even less than that with consistant application. Obviously it doesnt work over night but I do recommend it !

  • Maria - Amazing! Easy to use! Good price!!

    I found this item at walmart and have to rate it. The kit is basically the price of the purchase of a UV/LED light. IT is so well worth the $$$. It is very easy to use and it comes with a quick step guide sheet. Gel Manicures in my area range from 30-45 dollars. I have had my Gel nail polish (I used french tip for an addtional cost of the gel + the brush) for 5 days now and no chips or peels. The dry time was instant, and I was so amazed! NO DRY TIME involved. Perfect for the busy working woman! I had originally purchased the Gelish kit by Harmony for over $50.00 but found myself looking for a LED light as my old 20ish year old UV lamp was only nine watts and the Gels require 36 watts to cure. I would rate it higher but I did not due to the limited colors that are available from this maker. I am sure that as they get more popular they will add a bigger selection of colors, for now I will just order Pigment Gel and mix my own colors. I definetly recommend this kit as my mani is stil on after pulling weeds w.o using gloves, replanting flowers,as well as hand-washing dishes. I even used non-acetone polish remover and it did not affect the shine or the polish of my nails. I polished my daugher's nails and she said it made her feel "pretty". The polish is a soak-off type of gel and will require the use of Acetone nail polish remover to remove. I am fine with the removal if i can get a two week perfect manicure look!

  • Amy Bosica - I fell in love with A Place in the Sun from the first ...

    I fell in love with A Place in the Sun from the first page. The writing just pulled me in and captivated me. I didn’t want to do anything else, but read this story. It just consumed me. I loved the way the writer built Georgie and Gianluca’s story. Their story is one of those that gives you an instantly feeling of amazing. You’re only a few pages in and you just know this is going to be a fantastic love story.

  • Christopher Huckeby - DO NOT BUY THIS FOR PORN

    Good lord this makes pornography terrifying. Watching sweat pool in the pock marks on the inside of someone's thighs is absolutely horrifying.

  • Judith Phillips - Disappointed

    This story moved way too fast for my reading pleasure. Loved the story possibilities but found it all zipped by without getting into the depth of the emotions of the characters. Didn't feel connected to their passions and details of their suffering.