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  • Meer Viagra Info - Bei der Einnahme und der Verwendung von Viagra ist die Dosierung von entscheidender Wichtigkeit. Für alle, die Viagra zum ersten Mal einnehmen, empfiehlt es

    Country:, Europe, FR

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  • the adventure continues - New American Bible Revised 2011

    This Bible is a kindle version. I am very dissapointed that the Kindle on my IPad does apparently NOT have the capability of the Kindle. It is awkward to navigate this edtion. I cannot use it for study. It does not identify by page numebers or chapter and verse for each page. I cannot make notes on it or cut and paste.

  • BeckyL - Worked for me.

    I have this machine and I see some negative reviews on it. I have nothing to say but good about it. The best money I have spent in a long time. I haven't had to spend money at the chiropractor since. I landed and slid on my butt when I was bailing from a horse as he bucked and threw me. I tucked and rolled but came out of my tuck at the wrong time. I received a compression fracture of my lower spine and it healed without proper medical care. I was 15 and now I am 55. I have sciatica and other back issues as well. If I use it twice a day I have no pain and no mobility issues. If i get lazy and do not use it I then get back pain and have to restart a twice daily regimen. It does not perform miracles. It does a standard physical therapy motion. You could save some bucks and have a spouse or hubby do it for you with the same results. I did the same therapy for my son and daughter back in 1979-80. My son developed cerebral palsy after a high fever and my daughter was born with dislocated hips. The therapist had me doing the same therapy motion for them. My husband did not want to do it for me. Have not had anyone to do the therapy for me. Now I have the machine and can get a therapy session anytime I need it. It is NOT a new therapy or anything that is just hype. The motion it does can relieve pain and help for some types of back pain and align your spine. Mine pops out of alignment regularly and the gentle stretching helps it pop back in place and I do my back strengthening exercises too. This just adds to a good exercise regimen. I cannot take all the pain meds as doing so over the years messed up my liver and chiropractic was my only relief. I would go in when the pain just got to bad to handle. Not enough cash to go in regularly. Haven't needed to go in a long time. If your doctor thinks this type of physical therapy would be beneficial to you then I say get one. I already knew my doctor had prescribed it, but never could afford a physical therapist nor had anyone in my life who cared enough to do this for me. Now I don't have to suffer.

  • Amazon Customer - could not get past the cover

    I saw this book and had to have it. Then I became obessed over the title. One what. Then it struck me. A micro wave is like a toothbrush only meant for one person. I took it to my bunker to stand guard over it. How dare my family try to purloin the use;; of my microwave. 10 sleepless days later I realized I was the true ruler of the world. Dressed only in a hoodie I began to write my manifesto powered by energy drinks and the knowledge that I had been unjustly relegated to a life of working at Pete's discount power strip palace when the world exists to serve me. Me and my microwave set out to take our proper place in the world. When I was once again unjustly persecuted. I am sure the robot drones with the flashing light s had their receptive translators removed as they were only concerned with my lack of clothes. So here I am at my new seat of power Shady Acres Sanitarium. My minions surround me at all times. By the way if anyone finds my microwave there is a reward of one half of a light green crayon in it for its safe return.

  • luantdoan - Stay clear of Navien NR-240A period!

    I replaced my broken 50 gallons water heater with the tank less Navien NR-240A in 2011 based on recommendation from my plumping contractor and boy this was a big mistake ever. Below are the good and bad that I have with the unit:

  • Alan G. - Blinded by the light!

    Simply amazed at how bright this single LED is, I have regular white LED's and they are dim compared to this purple devil!