www.biotechu.com Review:



BiotechU.com - Online biotech primer: business, law, regulations, policy, and science - Online e-learning primer course for biotechnology business, patents, regulation, policy, and science

  • http://www.biotechu.com/course/ BiotechU.com - Biotechnology Primer Video Section - Online course for biotechnology business, patents, regulation, policy, and science

    Country:, North America, US

    City: -83.6324 Georgia, United States

  • Perfect Sound - Two Stars

    It says that this is Latin American Spanish, but it castillia and pronunciation is not right for latin america.

  • MsChips - This is not about Conspiracy Theories. This is about truth.

    It's time we knew the truth and D'Souza knows how to do that. D'Souza declares "If anyone can prove me wrong, step forward and do so. (Paraphrased)" So far no one has. I believe it and it is time we re-write history to reflect the truth, rather than perpetuate the lies. I can deal with the truth, it's the damn lies that causes so much confusion. People of all colors can benefit from this film. Keep in mind while viewing this film that few blacks were "free" to fight for their freedom. One of the remarkable things I learned was just how many blacks were slave owners themselves. I never knew that before. I am 74 yrs old and still learning. We can all learn something from this incredible lessons presented here.