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Association for Community Affiliated Plans ACAP - Medicaid Managed Care - Association for Community Affiliated Plans - Medicaid Managed Care - ACAP Community Healthcare Plans

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City: -93.1519 Minnesota, United States

  • S. Wallace - Great movie

    I loved the top notch special effects. I saw how California would slide into the ocean, a super volcano explode, and an ocean break over the Alps. Good acting, fast paced movie. I probably would have given it 5 stars but I took one star away because I don't think anybody would stop in the middle of an epic emergency to explain it all to his kids no matter how much he loves them, before acting to save their butts. Still, I think it's one of the best movies I've ever seen.

  • Michelle Pardy - Quality and affordable makeup brushes

    As a professional makeup artist I am always on the look out for quality and affordable Makeup items. I love these Premium Kabuki makeup brushes! I am very impressed with the quality of the brushes. I normally use another high end brand and these work just as well as those ones do, if not a little better for some of them. I like the thicker kabuki style makeup brushes so I was happy to find a set that had so many of them together, it's awesome. The brushes feel very nice on the skin and do not tug on the eyes either which is great to help prevent wrinkles. The foundation brush applied my foundation flawlessly this morning and I have absolutely no complaints. These feel very well made and like they will last a long time if properly cared for. They would be a great set for beginners or even more advanced makeup users who want some backup brushes for when they don't get to clean their regular ones. I can see myself reaching for these a lot, they really are great quality and affordable brushes.

  • Sarah G - Working for me!

    Was very skeptical but desperate to get weight off. Couldn't afford Nutrimost so tried this. It's been 4 weeks and I'm down 18 lbs. Lost 9 the first week and then 2-3lbs each week after. Biggest surprise for me is that I'm able to stick to the strict regimen without giving up. I followed another reviewers advice of 2 lean proteins 2 vegetables and 2 fruits a day. No fats oils dairy or complex carbs at all. No sugar or sugar substitutes except stevia. This sounds very hard but once you start it's very doable.

  • Amazon Customer - A beautiful product for the casual coin collector.

    This is a good choice for the casual coin collector but only has one slot per quarter issued, so there is no provision to inset one from each U. S. Mint of the same issue. Coins are heavy though to ship so most coins in circulation in your area will be from the same U. S. mint. There are though all kinds of levels of coin collecting and for someone only looking for a representative of each design this is a very well designed way to display the coins. The U. S. mint site is the best place to learn the basics of coin collecting with a bias only toward selling you more and more expensive options that might be cheaper at a local store for coin collectors that buys in bulk new issues plus purchasing from other customers.

  • Mister Christer - Come to Mama

    Dispite what a few people seem to be saying this album ROCKS. I had trouble falling asleep after finishing the record because the tunes would not leave my head. From the opening and highlight track, Diamond Heart, to the beautiful stinging Angel Down, Joanne is Gaga's most complete effort yet. If you aren't already Mother Monster's biggest fan, this album will win you over and have you Come to Mama!

  • A. Toro - the ground squirrel colony (200+) I'm trying to get rid of is either too smart and/or too stupid to figure out how to get ...

    I purchased this trap about a month ago to hopefully start putting a dent in a massive ground squirrel population on rural property. So far I have only caught 4 squirrels. For bait, I've been using sliced oranges, apples, and dry dog food. They eat the bait that I put outside to lure them near the trap, but they are not going into the trap itself. The bait inside is left untouched. I have the trap sitting on top of some plywood, so they can not burrow underneath to grab the bait. Haven't decided yet, the ground squirrel colony (200+) I'm trying to get rid of is either too smart and/or too stupid to figure out how to get in!

  • goal13keep - Displeasing scent; there's another product that smells better

    When we got a letter recently from the health office adivising that a child in my daughter's class had a confirmed case of head lice, I quickly took to amazon and ordered a few preventive products. This was one, and I also ordered some of the SoCozy Boo! Shampoo and leave-in spray. While I've only used each a couple of times so cannot attest to their lice-repelling powers, I can state this much: this product (the Fairy Tales) has a very displeasing scent that I do not care for. It is something close to, but not quite, the scent of a citronella candle maybe mixed with something else. It smells more like bug spray (think mosquito repellent) than a hair product. The SoCozy products, on the other hand, have a very pleasing peppermint scent that is reminiscent of candy canes. I'm going to stick with the Boo! products for now.