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  • Amazon Customer - which is a very sensitive area and this product is AMAZING. All natural

    I just got my 13th tattoo 2 days ago. It is on my inner arm, which is a very sensitive area and this product is AMAZING. All natural, not sticky and it's the best product I've used. Not using anything else ever again.

  • alohakini - Not DOT/SAE compliant.

    I like them a lot but they are not SAE/DOT compliant which is evidenced by the fact it is printed on the lights so a safety inspection will require putting the stock lights back on. The box and manufacturer claim it is but the certificate they send you has the Food and Drug Administrations Logo on it. It would be easier to just stamp the lights with it then make up a cheesy certificate and say it on a printed box. Front and Rear lights in the U.S. must say DOT/SAE on them. Other than that they are some good looking lights.

  • Chris Healey - Great Razor For Price

    There is a fairly new company out there that will for a very low price ship you razor blades for a dollar a month. They got quite famous with their viral video promoting their service.

  • B. Warrick - When can we women expect a binder suitable for our men?

    You know, I wasn't gonna mention this, since I am really one of those submissive, barefoot and pregnant type women who tries hard to be as much a wallflower as possible, standing in the shadows of my husband when I am not tending to my dressage horses and supervising the squadron of household servants ever at my beck and call (they are so *needy* - relying on me for EVERYTHING! But I digress...). However, in recent days I am becoming increasingly concerned about the utter and complete lack of binders carried by Amazon that we women can purchase and use to catalog, organize, and sort our men.

  • Kenny A. Chaffin - A good if typical collection/selection for this year

    Well I've finished the 2015 O. Henry Award collection…re-read a few of the entries....Pretty typical volume I think….