www.frickorthodontics.com Review:



Orthodontist Chapel Hill, Hillsborough, NC | John R. Frick Orthodontics | Orthodontic Specialist - Office of Dr. John Frick. Located in Chapel Hill and Hillsborough, North Carolina, we are an orthodontic practice specializing in TAD’s, Herbst appliances, adult braces and early orthodontic treatment.

Country:, North America, US

City: -93.1519 Minnesota, United States

  • WiscoProud - Great for the home electrician

    I'm in the process of replacing the outlets in my home and this is great for checking them out to make sure everything is correct. I also use mine to double check I hit the right breaker before digging in.

  • Marvin c - Right on time

    My wife tans sometimes daily. The price offered here is significantly lower than what she,IIIIIIIII pay at the tanning spa. This product is the exact same in name price and quality of product as what we purchase for a much higher price. Will definitely order more.

  • Mirrek Balderson - Gameplay is fun but servers amd menus are awful.

    I enjoy the gameplay but the menus are so bad and I have been consistently kicked out of games because of the server. Not sure if I will return yet, gonna wait to see if servers improve, if not I will return.

  • mpaunescu - Works well and doesn't make me sick!

    Sometimes it is so hard to write reviews for supplements because with a lot of them it either takes a long time to tell that they are working or the benefits/effects are so subtle that you don’t notice any difference in one’s day-to-day health. Since I am not currently deficient in any vitamins I am not anemic it is really hard for me to tell if these are really working for me or not. I am not currently pregnant, but we are trying so I want to make sure that my body is getting absolutely everything I need, just in case. I got pregnant with my first daughter while I was taking birth control, consistently and correctly I might add, and I wasn’t on a multi-vitamin at the time. I still feel mildly guilty about that, even though I figured out I was pregnant at 6 weeks and my daughter is the picture of health, but still. Any way. When I was pregnant with my daughter I didn’t take any particular brand of multi-vitamin. A good friend of mine is a OB-GYN nurse and she just gave me enough samples to last my entire pregnancy, but I have taken prenatal vitamins many times in the past. I have a history of anemia, and because prenatal vitamins have more iron than regular multi vitamins, I take those whenever I start feeling anemic. I have taken several brands because I am particularly sensitive to most supplements and many, even the ones that shouldn’t, end up nauseating me. I don’t count any of the multis that I took while I was pregnant because absolutely everything nauseated me. Breathing, the smell of lettuce, paper, turning my head too quickly…you get the idea. To completely test whether or not this would nauseate me I took this supplement at a lot of different times and under different circumstances. Even early in the morning when I didn’t have any food in my stomach and didn’t eat for another two hours this didn’t nauseate me, which in my experience is nothing short of a miracle. I am certainly not recommending that anyone else does this, but I think that this is a pretty safe bet for anyone who, like me, has a super sensitive stomach. Overall, I am really pleased with the product and feel completely comfortable recommending it. I will update my review if my opinion changes in any significant way.

  • ROGER V - Good priced software for what most small business users need.

    I really appreciated the customer support for Smart Draw. They were very helpful in assisting with a minor upgrade and went above and beyond what I was expecting.

  • danik - Important: You must know your stuff about CLEPs before purchasing---

    I actually purchased (as of recently) the 2013 version; but have seen this 2012 and they are hardly different, if at all. I thought it might be helpful for future buyers if I post my review on this version also----