www.garivers.org Review:



Georgia River Network | Working Together for Healthy Rivers - Georgia River Network is working to ensure a clean water legacy by engaging and empowering Georgians to protect and restore our rivers from the mountains to the coast.

  • http://www.garivers.org/news/39-uncategorized/377-eventregistration.html Event Registration - Georgia River Network's Hidden Gems Paddling Series ~ Rediscovering the Hidden Gems of Georgia's Waterways...

    Country:, North America, US

    City: -97.822 , United States

  • Kaitlin - Great buy!

    Screen protector went on smooth and was easy to install. Seems pretty protective as my toddler has already tossed the phone to the ground a few times. Shipping was fast and easy and the product was packaged well.

  • G. Dombiak - Silent, Heavy but good. Service so so

    I bought a model 2009 and I was not able to find the serial number in the machine. I need to contact support and they are not even answering my mails since I don't have a serial number even tough that is one of the reasons I'm contacting them. Grrr. The other reason I need support is that even though the machine is super silent you can hear some weird noise coming from the front like if something is loose or is touching something (i.e. friction).