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Gage & Mathers, P.C. - Gage & Mathers, P.C. are experienced, successful and qualified phoenix area personal injury and wrongful death attorneys.

Country:, North America, US

City: -74.0052 New York, United States

  • David S. Koller - Not impress

    The newer version but not catch malware through a flash player update. Look for the best security program every year.

  • Eskay - Effective for razor burns (and acne)

    It really does work. I use a few drops and simply apply it to my freshly washed face with my fingers. Once it dries moisturizer can be applied. It takes week or two but it will dramatically reduced the incidence of ingrown hair/razor burns. Added bonus is that it will reduce incidence of acne too. It's most noticeable when I stop using this product for a week or two. The razor burn returns.

  • Amazon Customer - 2012 Version Was Better

    The list of accounts is now much more annoying to use and takes up WAY to much screen space. It makes my daily tasks take 40% more time than the 2012 version. Also there is no easily accessable home button, if you close the home screen you have to go hunting. Overal this is deffinatly a step backwards. Stay away.