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  • J. Rosenberg - love this stuff!

    hi! i bought cell food at a health food chain because i realized i had been dehydrated. the employee recommended cell food and i was a little skeptical. i am a 30 year old woman and she was in her mid forties, early fifties and was raving about the product but with a subtleness, so it felt authentic and i thought i would give it a try.

  • TopsInAmericaTim - Don't trust the MD world

    This book points us all in the right direction. Cancer rates soaring despite a trillion research dollars down the drain. Run for the cure is a zombie's response to bold faced lies. Our food supply and water supply has been poisened. GMO crops from the Monsanto monopoly dominate. It's not an accident. This book and others are fueling a healthy revolution of truth.

  • Chixon - My favorite song.

    I had a few credits on Amazon so I purchased some songs. This song has been a favorite of my for quite some time.

  • Michael P. Kuhnel - It seemed like a hassle getting the hose all under water to ...

    My pump just happened to start making a noise the day after using with vacuum. My pump is a 3 year old Intex so not sure it had anything to do with vacuuming. It seemed like a hassle getting the hose all under water to get the air out of the hose.