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  • Kathleen - Sockets are good - have not broken any yet

    The ratchet is junk ( but I've bought cheap socket sets before and expected that) The sockets are good enough for light duty and even though Chinese mfr actually fit on my Proto ratchets without falling off or being difficult to mate/ unmate

  • D. Dooley - Amazing Moisturizer

    I've had severe dry skin on my face for about 10 years. Flaky skin that just keeps drying out and falling off, across my eyebrows, sides of nose, and around the mouth. I've seen doctors, gotten prescriptions, bought recommended over the counter lotions, all with no luck. Nothing I could find would work more than an hour or two before the dry skin returned. It's gotten so bad over the last 3-4 years that after I put on a moisturizing lotion and going out I would get strange looks at stores after just an hour or so, when my skin would dry out and begin to flake. I've tried every product imaginable, lotions, scrubs, special moisturizers, prescription lotions, goat's milk soap, cutting open Vitamin E capsules and rubbing on the face, using olive oil, etc.

  • Margaret Martin - Lifesaver on long car trip

    I purchased this book on my kindle when we were taking our grandchildren across Texas. It was a lifesaver! I had two six year olds that wanted to read all week! They enjoyed the stories, understood them, and could read them on their own.