www.neighbourhoodpharmacies.ca Review:



Neighbourhood Pharmacy Association of Canada - The Neighbourhood Pharmacy Association of Canada is the national association that represents the community pharmacy industry in Canada. The retail members of The Neighbourhood Pharmacy Association of Canada are traditional chain and banner drug stores, grocery chains and mass merchandisers with pharmacies. Together, The Neighbourhood Pharmacy Association of Canada members operate 6,200 pharmacies that dispense 70 per cent of the nation's prescriptions each year. The Neighbourhood Pharmacy Association of Canada associate members include product and service suppliers to the drug store industry, including manufacturers of pharmaceuticals, over-the-counter remedies and medical devices, health and beauty aids, consumer packaged goods and general merchandise, wholesalers and distributors, media, marketing and research companies, among others.

Country:, North America, US

City: -77.4728 Virginia, United States

  • Sei Kim - Better alternative than bug spray

    Well, no bugs is a good sign. Unless you leave in a condemned home, you won’t be seeing bugs and rodents leaving your home in a horde. The fact that your room is free of any pests is a great sign. This is such a better method than spraying a room with bug spray. The smell of the spray nearly makes me gag, so the fact that the repeller is non-smelling is great for me. I purchased this item at a promotional price in exchange for a honest review.

  • C. Harris - It will catch the lights on your tree and sparkle beautifully. They make excellent gifts

    I've collected these for years, and have everyone of the 'main stream' they have ever produced. It will catch the lights on your tree and sparkle beautifully. They make excellent gifts, and great for your kids when they start their own lives. My only issue is that every year, they seem to get a little smaller and more expensive. Go figure. It would be nice to see them really impress us once, since the last 5 years. I've never seen the gold color ornaments, however they look nice as well... again, more money than these. Go for it... they're very nice.