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Protein S Deficiency and Thrombophilia - Information about the rare medical condition of Protein S Deficiency and Thrombophilia, anticoagulant therapy, research and online forum.

  • http://www.proteinsdeficiency.com/psd.php Protein S Deficiency - There are three types of Hereditary Protein S Deficiency: Type I: decreased Protein S activity, low levels of free Protein S, normal levels of bound Protein S; Type IIa - decreased Protein S activity, low levels of free Protein S, low levels of bound Protein S; Type IIb - decreased Protein S activity, normal levels of free Protein S, normal levels of bound Protein S. It is also possible to have an acquired deficiency of Protein S, which is seen in some cases of DIC, DVT, PE, pregnancy and liver disease and during treatment with anticoagulants such as warfarin.
  • http://www.proteinsdeficiency.com/faq.php Frequently Asked Questions - There are more than a thousand topics in our forum and some questions come up more often than others. A selection is presented in our list of the most frequently asked questions.
  • http://www.proteinsdeficiency.com/whatsnew.php What's New - The key events that have shaped the development and growth of the Protein S Deficiency and Thrombophilia web site.
  • http://www.proteinsdeficiency.com/thrombophilia.php Thrombophilia - The tendency for abnormal blood clotting is known as thrombophilia (hypercoagulable state). The commonest cause of thrombophilia is Hereditary Resistance to Activated Protein C (HRAPC, APC). About 1 in 20 healthy people carry this genetic defect and therefore have a higher risk of thrombosis. Other congenital causes of thrombophilia include Anti-Thrombin III Deficiency, Protein C Deficiency and Protein S Deficiency.
  • http://www.proteinsdeficiency.com/disclaimer.php Disclaimer - For your own health and safety you should always seek the advice of a qualified medical practitioner and not act on information published on this web site. No responsibility can be accepted for the content or absence of content published on this site for any reason.
  • http://www.proteinsdeficiency.com/about.php About Us - The Protein S Deficiency and Thrombophilia web site was established on 10th August 2000.
  • http://www.proteinsdeficiency.com/accessibility.php Accessibility - Our web pages include access keys and conform to level Triple-A of the W3C Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 1.0, including all Priority 1, Priority 2, and Priority 3 checkpoints defined in the guidelines.

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