www.semm.org Review:



Sociedad Espa�ola de Medicina Mar�tima, Maritime Medicine - medicina mar�tima, SEMM = Sociedad Espa�ola de Medicina Mar�tima, continuing education, IMHA,

  • http://www.semm.org/../pmaritim/infopm.html Master / University Expert / Postgraduate module-courses on Maritime Health, Maritime Medicine / Cursos Universitarios de postgrado en Salud Marítima: Master / Experto Universitario en Medicina Marítima, Medicina Subacuatica y Nautico-deportiva / cursos p - Páginas de la Sociedad Española de Medicina Marítima (SEMM), temas relacionados con la medicina y la salud de los trabajadores del mar, educación sanitaria y formación médica, base de datos bibliográfica específica, revista científica, jornadas y congresos, información de la Sociedad Internacional de Sanidad Marítima (IMHA)
  • http://www.semm.org/wsemm2.html Formaciуn Continuada en Salud a Bordo- SEMM - Pбginas de la Sociedad Espaсola de Medicina Marнtima (SEMM), temas relacionados con la medicina y la salud de los trabajadores del mar, educaciуn sanitaria y formaciуn mйdica, base de datos bibliogrбfica especнfica, revista cientнfica, jornadas y congresos, informaciуn de la Sociedad Internacional de Sanidad Marнtima (IMHA)
  • http://www.semm.org/linksmm.html Medicina Marítima SEMM / Maritime Medicine, Links - Pages about maritime medicine, and health education sponsored by the Spanish Society of Maritime Medicine (SEMM) and the International Maritime Health Association (IMHA), links
  • http://www.semm.org/guia.html Mapa de contenido de la web de la SEMM - P�ginas de la Sociedad Espa�ola de Medicina Mar�tima (SEMM), temas relacionados con la medicina y la salud de los trabajadores del mar, educaci�n sanitaria y formaci�n m�dica, base de datos bibliogr�fica espec�fica, revista cient�fica, jornadas y congresos, informaci�n de la Sociedad Internacional de Sanidad Mar�tima (IMHA)

    Country:, Europe, ES

    City: -3.684 , Spain

  • doublej PIC2 NuWave - Buyer beware - Product does not work as advertised

    I just got the NuWave PIC2 (and extra one for shipping and handling) offer and I got mislead by the TV advertisement and NuWave website reviews (which are all 5 stars and a few 4 stars). This NuWave PIC2 can’t even heat up more than 3 quarts of water in a large pan. I did a side by side comparison of this PIC2 and the electric stove element and no comparison. It is the total opposite of what the TV Advertisement shows.

  • Annette - Bio-Oil should warn you--but since they didn't I will!

    I just purchased this product and I'm not a fan. The smell is overwhelming and not in a good way, and it is way too oily. Not to mention, after using this product for less than 2 weeks I developed a rash on my arms- there are these little bums around my stretch marks! And after researching, I found out I'm not the only one that this has happened to. The formula used in Bio-Oil has mineral oil. Which is also used in Johnson's Baby Oil! And I know that I'm allergic to Johnson's baby oil, because when I use it I get rashes all over. Now I'm stuck with this and it was a totally waste. So beware everyone :( Especially those with sensitive skin.

  • Robin - Love it!

    Have been using it for years. . .nothing handles my hair better than this stuff! Short, spiky hair without any greasy aftereffects!!