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  • Mary Albertson - Misrepresent the price

    I bought this thinking that I was getting a good deal but after it arrived I found the 60 count means total pills, not doses. I do like this product and I'll buy again just not from this seller.

  • Beenana - great product for glasses and mirrors! (Without annoying smell)

    great product for glasses and mirrors! (Without annoying smell). This product dry very fast and leave squeaky clean feeling on smooth shiny surface. I used it on mirrors and glasses. It worked so well. It smells mostly like alcohol which doesn't bother me as much as chemically Windex smell.

  • E. Saylor - valuable tool

    I read an earlier edition of this book in 1995 when I graduated from college, as I was searching for my first job. It was an incredibly valuable tool that greatly shaped my understanding of my strengths and desires. I’ve been recommending it to career seekers ever since. What I didn’t realize is how much the book has evolved over the last two decades. It’s rich with improvements, focusing on how the internet and social media has changed the whole job seeking process.

  • Zach Welch - Was great at first, but it's just gotten terrible now and can no longer return.

    When I first got this monitor it was great. I loved the "borderless" design, I paired it with a 25" 2560x1440 monitor also by Acer. I bought them both at the same time and they both worked great, but how I felt about this monitor quickly diminished. After using it for a couple of days it started to get a little backlight bleeding, this wasn't a huge issue at first, it was small and only visible at certain angles, and since the monitor was angled directly at me there were a lot of times where I did not see it. Then the screen started to cut out at times, randomly turning off and then coming back on after a few seconds, I tried multiple different ports and cables, and am completely confident in saying it is the monitor, not my video card (GTX 960 G1) or any of the cables that I have tried. But after a month of usage the backlight bleeding has gotten terrible and the cutting out just happens more and more often, and at this point I can't even return the product and I don't have the time to deal with sending this in to get repaired by Acer directly as I am a programmer and really require more than one screen to be productive in my work. It was a great monitor at first, but it's just terrible now..

  • Stefanie Womble - Very happy with eSalon

    I've used eSalon twice now so I am new to this new way of doing hair color. The color turned out really nice. I've been coloring my own hair for nearly 10 years now using good products purchased from a beauty supply store. I wanted to try something new as my color seemed to getting dull. I found that eSalon gives me great grey coverage. I even received detailed instructions on how to apply the color. Not that I needed it, but for anyone that is new to coloring hair, this would be good to receive. After I received my color, I got an email from eSalon asking about the color and process (feedback). Then, a week before I was scheduled to receive my next order of color, I received an email asking if there were any changes I wanted to have made to the color. The color arrived on time, and I was able to color again. Everything I needed to color was included in the kit. I would highly recommend this product.