www.sizofren.gen.tr Review:



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    Country:, Asia, TR

    City: 28.9948 , Turkey

  • Terri Fossey - DEFINATELY NOT WEN!

    I thought I'd give this a try since I really, really love WEN but feel the price is too high. It seems that I had to use more of Hair One than I do of WEN. Hair One was actually hard to get off my hands, it does not easily let your fingers glide through your hair like WEN. There was also a major difference in the fragrance...WEN smells amazing and Hair One is just an OK normal shampoo smell. After cleansing, my hair felt much more dried out as compared to using WEN. My hair "looked" good, but it did not "feel" as healthy and soft as when I used WEN. While the price is more of what I would like to pay, the performance was nowhere near that of WEN. So, I will not be buying Hair One again and even though I love WEN I will only be able to buy it when I get gift cards for Christmas and birthdays or if I win the lottery!

  • Elizabeth - No skin reaction

    I've tried other products from this company and had mixed results due to skin reactions to some of the products. It's the curse of sensitive skin I guess. I have not had any skin reactions from this brightening pearl mask. The mask is easy to apply and very relaxing. It leaves your skin feeling soft and smooth. I purchased this product at a discount with the intention to leave my honest and unbiased review and I would be willing to purchase this product at full price.

  • Frank - Excellent book

    I was look for a book which was mainly for the Desktop vs Web applications. And this was the book. I have not used since Access 2003 version, this book bought me up to speed. The download files were exactly as the examples in the book were. But I wish somebody would write a books MS Access 2013 vb.net for the Desktop not the Web.

  • R Loomis - Great for a small display for Halloween

    These are so cute! Great for a small display for Halloween! These lights are well made. None of the "bats" are loose and all of them withstood my de-tangling process just fine. Even if you think that you have it set up to where that won't happen, it will. LOL. It was a little more tedious to untangle these than regular mini lights, but not much. I haven't made a display outside with them yet so I did a little photo shoot inside for you to see. These are solar powered and comes with a little stake to put into the ground that holds the "solar charger". There is approximately 60" of wire from the "charger box" to the first bat light on the string, so there is a really good amount of wire to work with to get the lights from the ground onto whatever you are decorating with them, which I thought was very, very nice. Most of the time I find that not to be the case with light sets I have bought in big box stores. The lights have two (2) modes, steady and blinking/flash. There is two (2) push buttons on the under side of the "solar box", one for power "on/off" and the other for setting the mode. I really like these and find the price to be fair. I was in one of the big box stores a couple of days ago looking at their Halloween lights and found nothing comparable to this set, as far as quality or even solar powered. Not saying they aren't out there in the stores somewhere, but I haven't seen them yet. I would recommend to everyone and especially for those that need to decorate without electrical outlets.