www.uscom.com.au Review:



Uscom - The measure of Life. - USCOM Ultrasonic Cardiac Output Monitor, non-invasive and accurate monitor of cardiac output for diagnosis via Continuous wave Doppler echocardiography.

  • http://www.uscom.com.au/investor/index.html Uscom - Investor - USCOM Ultrasonic Cardiac Output Monitor, non-invasive and accurate monitor of cardiac output for diagnosis via continuous wave Doppler echocardiography.
  • http://www.uscom.com.au/evid/1738 Cardiac hemodynamics in early term neonates born with maternal gestational diabetes mellitus – Uscom Evidence - This study showed that babies newly born of women with gestational diabetes mellitus which was well controlled during pregnancyhad increased left ventricular contractility and left cardiac work compared to control babies.
  • http://www.uscom.com.au/evid/1708 Maternal haemodynamics assessment in preterm delivery: two different haemodymanic profiles – Uscom Evidence - Women with a diagnosis of threatened preterm delivery with SVR values>lOOO dynes.sec.cm-5 and elevated CRP levels present high risk of preterm delivery.
  • http://www.uscom.com.au/evid/1709 Screening of preeclampsia (PE) in the first trimester: high Total Vascular Resistance (TVR) with a reduced fat mass increase the risk in normo BMI patients – Uscom Evidence - In the first trimester, high SVR and lower Fat Mass may be an early marker of PE. Moreover lower fat mass increase the positive predictive value of isolated high TVR from 18% to 50%.
  • http://www.uscom.com.au/evid/1707 Is there a correlation between total body water distribution and haemodynamic changes during pregnancy? – Uscom Evidence - Assessment of total body water and Systemic vascular Resistance may identify patients with different adaptations to pregnancy: women with high SVR and insufficient plasma volume expansion and women with high SVR and excessive fluid retention.
  • http://www.uscom.com.au/evid/1704 The effect of head up tilting on bioreactance cardiac output and stroke volume readings using suprasternal transcutaneous Doppler as a control in healthy young adults – Uscom Evidence - Whereas the SV changes by USCOM were in accord with the expectation of normal physiology and followed the gravitational effect of head up tilting, the NICOM SV changes did not reflect the expected tilting effect of proportional decreases with increasing tilt angle.
  • http://www.uscom.com.au/evid/1706 Utility of non-invasive cardiac output measurements during cardiopulmonary exercise testing in pre-operative risk assessment – Uscom Evidence - Change in CI correlates well with traditional Cardio-pulmonary Exercise Testing markers of cardiovascular performance for pre surgical CV assessment.
  • http://www.uscom.com.au/evid/1627 Early norepinephrine can reverse shock and limit positive fluid balance in pediatric septic shock – Uscom Evidence - Pediatric septic patients who received early norepinephrine after 20-30ml/kg fluid required less fluid, ventilated days and ICU days compared to historical patients treated as per the ACCM-PALS septic shock algorithm. Stroke Volume Variation, Cardiac Index and Systemic Vascular Resistance Index were important parameters associated with the improved management.

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  • Roberta Anthony - U.S. Constitution Not Included; 4th Amendment Null and Void

    This is a great way for kids to see what us grown ups have done to ourselves in the last decade! Now they too can be stripped of their clothing, dignity and possessions - all in the comfort of home! And it's so convenient to be able to train our little ones for life in our Free Society. I mean how amazing is it that we no longer have to endure weeks of pent up anxiety before we travel or go the mall, school, the ballgame or church, worried about what will greet us at everyday events? Now we can so easily familiarize our children with Security Theater and the untrained, unprofessional GED drop-outs who somehow make-up these ragtag "security" forces. What a relief! I'm so glad I never again have to worry about how to explain to the kids why they have to be searched without probable cause everywhere they go. I will just hand them this fantastic toy. Perfect! Thanks Playmobil!!!

  • Maxine I - Not intuitive and has absolutely no security for such an expensive device

    I'm very disappointed and annoyed! I bought a new road bike and was strongly advised by my bike shop to buy this device as I ride alone many times and they felt that the turn by turn navigation was a must. I bought it mid-August and my issues are as follows: