www.webstats.pw Review:



Analysis for Top Web Domains - www.allurls.space offers a valuable tool for website analysis, with research for effective data about Internet traffic on the most popular websites

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City: -87.9921 Illinois, United States

  • P. Sagues - Worst piece of software I have seen in 10 years

    I read some unfavorable reviews of this software but bought it anyway. I have to say this is one awful piece of software. It's clear that it was created separately from the Windows version. There are so many basic bugs. The Invoice template shows one thing on the screen but--even with the "screen" and "print" buttons depressed, will print something different on the form.

  • Average Customer - It is a brgain, but the CD verion is much easier to install!.

    This download version of Norton's antivirus 2013 is certainly a bargain. But I found it difficult to download; after buying it, I tried downloading four times without any download starting. I called my daughter-in-law (of the smart phone generation) and she had no trouble downloading, installing, and entering the product code. It is working well for me, automatically scanning, updating, and counting down remaining days. but, it nagged me to Sign In; I don't see the need to do that, but they offered help to reset my password and I did it; but that has not entirely stopped the nag. I will buy the CD version next time; it is so much easier to get installed and working.

  • Jonathan - Seriously bad case

    At first it seemed like a good case but then a couple of days later I take off my case the bottom of the case(where you plug in your charging cord) snapped with out force. overall it looks like a good case but its not a bit over priced too. plus it seems a little too big for the phone you can feel it move inside of the case.

  • K. Lipio - 2016 New Astrology Horoscope

    What a fun thing to read, it is not about knowing what is going to happen more than it is to just want to know about how well you are doing for the year! Celebrate the Year with a True Bang!

  • c.prince - smells awful

    this stuff smells horrid i mean i cant even put it on my face to try it it smells so bad i smell a hint of lemon and then something else i dont know but my goodness it is like a brownish orangey color i cant speak on effectiveness since i cant bear to put it close to my nose so if u dont like strong yucky smells near your nose this might not be the one for you