
Candida and Yeast Infection Specialists Healing Center - Learn the facts you have to know to treat candida, yeast infection, thrush, candidiasis and other related conditions. Our mission is to heal with knowledge.

  • Candida and Yeast Infection Education Center - Learn all facts you must know to treat candida and yeast infection and avoid critical mistakes that can ruin any candida program.
  • Candida Recipes for Candida Diet - Award Winning For Health & Taste - Who said candida recipes for candida diet are boring? Join our experts & top executive chef and learn how to make easy & healthy gourmet recipes
  • Supplements - Candida and Yeast Infection Specialists Healing Center - Per many requests, our supplements page summarizes the supplements our experts recommend and include in our different protocols with our experts guides.
  • Recommended Candida Supplements - Experts Guide - Our experts cover what are the best candida supplements and what are the ones you should stay away from. Learn how to avoid die-off and other health issues.
  • The Happy Detox Chocolate Dream Recipe - Learn how to make our famous detox chocolate so you can cleanse & rejuvenate your body & mind, balance candida overgrowth & ease mind-body die-off symptoms
  • Heavy Metal Toxicity & Candida Overgrowth - Facts you Must Know - Heavy metal toxicity & candida: the connection, causes, symptoms, our highest rated heavy metal detox protocol & common mistakes to avoid in your cleanse.
  • Candida Diet - Facts vs. Fiction - What You Must Know - Learn why many candida diet plans fail and how to avoid these common critical mistakes. Feel satisfied and happy by eating the right foods your body needs.
  • Candidiasis Treatment - The Facts You Must Know - In this experts guide, we cover what candidiasis, candida and yeast infection are, their causes, symptom, treatment and common mistakes to avoid.
  • Candida & Yeast Infection Symptoms - The Facts You Must Know - Our experts cover what are candida and yeast infection symptoms, why they keep coming back, critical mistakes to avoid & best natural treatment.
  • Candida & Yeast Infection Treatment - Facts You Must Know - Our highest rated holistic candida & yeast infection treatment: causes, diet, remedies, supplements, critical mistakes you must avoid and more
  • Constipation, Digestion Issues & Your Health: Know the Facts ! - Constipation & Digestion issues are common bowel problems in the western world. Learn about their risks, best natural proven remedies and mistakes to avoid.
  • Do you have enzyme deficiency ? Take the test and Find Out ! - How do you know if you have enzyme deficiency? How does it impact your health and what can you do about it? Take our test and find out !
  • How to Eat Out Without Messing up Your Candida Diet - We all eat out. It is a social event perhaps much more than feeding our bodies. Eating out while on candida diet has become a challenge to many people...

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  • Richard A - Hallmark Card Studio is an inferior product with poor customer support

    I spent 40 minutes on three different live chat sessions and 55 minutes on phone hold with customer support before I hung up. In addition, I spent an hour trying to fix this problem prior to calling for support. I also completed the web contact form. The disclaimer on the web page states: "You will receive an automated confirmation response from us within an hour of submitting the request. If you do not receive our response, it is likely the filters on your email account are blocking our emails." How convenient is that to pass the buck on lack of support right back to the customer by suggesting our e-mail program is rejecting their response? I'm still waiting for them to acknowledge my request for support.

  • happygirl - Love this book!

    I should probably hold off on this review as I am taking the NCLEX in less than 4 days but I feel that this has been an awesome guide to help prep for the test. I received this book the night before I took my predictor test (my university makes us take a predictor in order to predict their pass rates) and in only reading the first 60 pages (all I could read before I went to bed) I was amazed at how the strategies came into play. The strategies allowed me to discern what the question was really asking me before I chose an answer. My predictor indicated that I had a 99% chance of passing NCLEX the first time I take the test (crossing my fingers and hoping that that is true!!!!!) I would highly recommend this book. I think this has been one of the best resources to study as I have been doing my final cram sessions. This book hasn't taught me any new nursing content but it has helped me to break the questions down and implement a strategy to apply the knowledge that I already have. LOVE IT!!!!

  • Hyperjump - Fun oldie

    Good tunes for any era. As a trip down memory it lane works well to re-visit those moments of yesteryear.