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  • Kristina - If you're willing to work, IT WORKS!

    I'm at the start of my 4th week and let me tell ya, I'm proud of how far I've come! I opted out of buying the Shakeology for an additional 100+$ and have just been watching my calories. The first week was HARD! Your legs will be sore but by the start of the second week, you'll be able to do more of the work out with the group and realize, hey, I'm stronger than last week! Each week you'll be able to do more and it's such a great feeling to see and feel your progress. I'm still working on my Alpha videos and I think I'm going to do the 5 weeks over again until I'm able to keep up with the group. I feel that only then am I really ready to move on to the next phase. Would I purchase this again? HECK YEAH!!! I've went from saddle bags to coin I'm still around my original weight but considering I turned that fat into muscle, I've got no complaints! I have lost some inches these past 4 weeks. A total of 4 inches off my breasts...go figure. You win some and you loose some and as long as I'm loosing some it's a win. By the time bathing suit season hits I should be beach ready thanks to Shaun T and my FOCUS! So what are you waiting for? BUY IT, WORK IT, AND LIVE IT, because trust me, you're gonna LOVE IT!!!!!

  • Martha Jean Jimenez - Safe Topical Inflammation Relief

    I have advanced Osteoarthritis in both knees, and am planning to have knee replacement surgery in January 2017. I discovered this product by accident while searching the Internet for inflammation relief items. From time to time I have tried other products that either caused burning sensations and/or did not offer enough relief to purchase them again. I had assumed that this was an NSAID until I showed a jar to my primary care physician for the purpose of ensuring that it was safe for me to continuing using several times a day. My physician said that the product was not an NSAID and noted that it contained "Arnica" which was contributing to the relief I was experiencing. I will continue using this product, together with other natural anti-inflammation remedies. I have drastically reduced my intake of products taken orally, all of which have side effects. This cream does not have lingering scents nor is it oily so I can rub some into my knees just prior to departing for my place of business and not have to worry about odors such as menthol or having it leave a residue on my clothing. I highly recommend this product!