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  • John J. Carey - Prepare, prepare, PREPARE!!!!! Great read!!!!'

    Another page turner!!!!! Again on the edge of my seat waiting for the next shoe to drop or should I say the next terror waiting around the bend in the road!!!! If a person reads this book and doesn't start prepping for tomorrow they need their head examined!!! Just a couple of days ago a major hack shut down the east coast social media! What happens when the whole country is shut down!!!!

  • K. P. Smerdel - Watch Out Mac Users!!

    I have used Intuit for many years, including last year downloading on a Mac for the first time from the App Store with no problems. 2014 is the WORST ever!!! I don't know if it is Apple or Turbo Tax, but in April of 2015 I purchased Premier through Apple's App Store for $94.99. I ended up filing for an extension and noted a problem then - thought maybe I had pulled up the wrong file, but when I went to to file for a tax extension TT acted like I never paid for it and wanted me to pay again. Should have tried to resolve the issue then but it let me file the extension using the "free" version. Now that it is the EVE of filing after the extension - I get all the way to the end to e-File and I keep getting kicked back to the App Store to pay $119!!! VERY FRUSTRATING. Now I am left to get up at 5:00 a.m. tomorrow to get in touch with Turbo Tax. I've also filed a report with Apple. I will be looking for another service next year!

  • Dave Quigley - ... my entire life and its typically a 3-4 week painful and incredibly uncomfortable 3-4 weeks

    I've been allergic to poison ivy my entire life and its typically a 3-4 week painful and incredibly uncomfortable 3-4 weeks. This past summer one evening as I sat down to watch tv after spending a hot Saturday clearing a great deal of brush from the back side of my property wearing shorts and a sleeveless t-shirt I noticed strips of red itchy welts appearing all over both of my arms. I knew right away that poison ivy had found its way into the piles of brush I had moved. I was desperate knowing full well what was in store for me for the next month and immediately went to the internet.. hoping that there was some miracle cure... And I thank God that I found it. It was Zanfel! The ad noted that Walgreens carried it. I jumped in my car and made it just in time before closing and they did indeed carry it. I started applying it that same day I noticed it welting up my skin.. and I stopped it from progressing any further. It was arrested and gone from my skin with 7 days. I've tried every other treatment and nothing works anywhere close to this new product. I paid $49 for it from Walgreens that night and it was well worth it. I found it online on Amazon for $22. I bought two to have at home just in case....

  • door&dives - does not like water

    very short battery life and for sure don't get it wet It does NOT like water -------i actually would have said , even with the weak battery problem that i like this watch and i did want to give it all stars until i put my hand into some water for 4 seconds IT QUIT and will not work any more -------the price was really good ( the reason i bought it ) but its worthless now!

  • Deb M - It does work

    Years ago when I was a kid, I had a huge wart on my foot and my mom applied Compound W. While in the tub, the wart fell off and never returned. Soaking does help so please soak. This was the original Compound W and it did take a week or two.

  • Dev Laur - Quick, what doesnt LT do?

    You will be hard pressed to find something LT doesn't do vs AutoCAD's "full" version. If you need a low-medium grade 2D drafting CAD package, this is it. You don't need the full or mechanical version. So don't be fooled. If you need more, then you need to look at Inventor, Solidworks or Pro-Engineer.