
Software ou programa para clínica e consultório médico || Medsystemwe - Software, programa para gestão de clínica e consultório de medicina mono ou multidisciplinar e multiprofissional. Completo, inteligente e agradável, com tiss.

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  • Joseph R. Donnaway - Poor Kindle Version

    The content is good, but the Kindle version is poor. Text runs off of the page, and the maps are useless.

  • Doug Stevens - Split personality, partly by design

    The wall really does have a split personality in more than one way, and one of those personalities I really like. I don't care that much for the more intense parts of Waters' histrionics and self-absorption, but even that has plenty of brilliant moments. I'm so glad that Gilmour's Comfortably Numb got on to the disk. It still has its darkness, but in such an immensely enjoyable way.

  • Mike Cee - Not Bad, But THQ Needs More Improvements

    I haven't purchased a wrestling game since the the first WWF Day of Wreckoning for the Gamecube, and before that I used to play all of the THQ wrestling games for the Nintendo 64. I'm reviewing this game based on personal experiences while playing the game.