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Emotional Polarity Technique EPTWorks - Training for Emotional Polarity Technique is the practical, efficient, timesaving technique that you have been waiting for. Take an EPT Seminar and add new

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  • FunlovinFilly - Product Is Not What It Appears To Be

    I'm not sure what everyone else believed this product was about but I thought the so-called light technology had something to do with it. This product is just a electric straight razor. A large version of the mini finishing touch. As far as I can tell, the lighted tip does absolutely nothing, nor is there anything in the instruction book about it. I think they are trying to fool people into thinking it is a new light technology that cuts or removes hair, but it's not. It does cut hair fairly well but is not totally painless. It scratches a bit. Also I've noticed my hair is growing back twice as fast since using the product. Not good!

  • spikefromspace - Not the Best.. But still great book.

    I am currently going through this book as part of my MBA curriculum. My MBA program is a top-ranked program rated by BusinessWeek and USNews and my professor is really intelligent and has a lot of experience in the finance industry. While the professor is a great lecturer, this book really nails in the basic concepts and breaks down the complex concepts. It is important to pace yourself in this book i.e. if you nothing about finance, really focus on the first six chapters first and make sure you understand them before moving. Or, if you are a finance expert looking to refresh your memory, skip the first six chapters, and then read the rest in greater detail depending on which topic you are looking to refresh.