

Federal Occupational Health - Federal Occupational Health. Improving the health, safety, and productivity of our Federal employees.

Country:, North America, US

City: -77.121 Maryland, United States

  • J. Cub Strummer - Nice design; way too heavy

    Got this a while ago. I really wanted to like this bike. But at appx. 11-12 lbs this bike is far too heavy for a small 30-35 lb kid. My boy is closer to 40 lbs now and likes a bit more now, but it is still not a natural fit. Unless your kid is in the top 10% size/weight, go with something else.

  • DebbHInes - RESULTS IN 2 DAYS!!!

    I have deep wrinkles from sun at early age. I look much older then I am! I get depressed over it. I've tried every skin care product out there! With what I've spent, I could've had about 3 facelifts. No joke. I stopped looking in the mirror.