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  • Vic Segui - Very Loud Clear Sound With BASS Lots of Good Clean BASS

    Dont own one as of yet BUT - OMG this Bluetooth Speaker ROCKS !!!! My friend brought his to the beach and yes everyone was feeling the vibe. Very Loud Clear Sound With BASS Lots of Good Clean BASS . Sounds GR8 !

  • a guy in texas - total waste of money on this

    This thing will not charge batteries to full charge no matter how long or how many times you try to charge them. It will only get them to 40%, I've tried charging to where it says it is done and then redoing it and going through another cycle, same results 40%. Does the same with AA and C cells. I wish I had not bought this particular item. It doesn't work at all for me, total waste of money in my case.


    It was never used simply because I was not aware of the high potency vitamin B complex that it contains - it sits in

  • Pamela M. - Worthless, uncomfortable and painful to wear, too cumbersome to use.

    More of a torture device than an exerciser. I must admit that my heart rate goes up, but only while trying to put the thing on and while taking it off. I have never been able to actually do enough exercise while wearing it to be of value because it is horrendously uncomfortable and cumbersome. Zero stars.

  • sparkyvan - Good Beer but...

    I have had this for a couple months and i love it. I have made 3 or 4 beers with it and with the exception of the beer kit that came with the set all have been great. I suggest to throw out the Booster pack and get more malt extract, trust me makes a way better beer. Also, if you go to the Mr Beer site you can buy the keg/fermenter for $10 and get better ingredients for the same price. If you join the Brew Club you get free shipping on orders over $30. I now own 2 fermenter and brew 5 gallons at a time. I recommend the product but think you can get better stuff directly from the source.

  • Nathaniel S. - Great product

    Shipped from California to FL in 5 days. Easy to put together and sturdy. I use it for squats and also as my spotter when I bench alone.

  • gail harrison - college bound

    great condition--now just need to get my child to start studying so she can get a great score on the ACT