
IDEXX | United Kingdom - IDEXX Laboratories, is the global market leader in diagnostics and information technology solutions for animal health.Headquartered in Maine, IDEXX employs over 5,000 people in more than 60 locations around the world. Our largest business helps more than 50,000 veterinary practices worldwide advance medical care, improve staff productivity and increase practice profitability. We accomplish this via an integrated portfolio of pet-side diagnostic tests (e.g. SNAP), point-of-care instruments (e.g. Haematology analysers: Procyte Dx and Lasercyte Dx, Chemsitry analysers: Catalyst Dx and Catalyst One Dx) reference laboratory services, digital radiography, and practice management solutions.

  • IDEXX | Deutschland - IDEXX Laboratories, Inc. ist weltweit führend in der Entwicklung und Vermarktung innovativer Produkte und Dienstleistungen für die Anwendungen in der Veterinärmedizin sowie im Nahrungsmittel- und Umweltbereich. Die Haupttätigkeitsfelder von IDEXX sind die Gebiete: Kleintiergesundheit, Pferdegesundheit, Nutztier- und Geflügeldiagnostik
  • IDEXX | Suomi - IDEXX Europe as part of IDEXX Laboratories , is the global market leader in diagnostics and information technology solutions for animal health.Headquartered in Maine, IDEXX employs over 5,000 people in more than 60 locations around the world. Our largest business helps more than 50,000 veterinary practices worldwide advance medical care, improve staff productivity and increase practice profitability. We accomplish this via an integrated portfolio of pet-side diagnostic tests (e.g. SNAP), point-of-care instruments (e.g. Haematology analysers: Procyte Dx and Lasercyte Dx, Chemsitry analysers: Catalyst Dx and Catalyst One Dx) reference laboratory services, digital radiography, and practice management solutions.
  • IDEXX | České republice - IDEXX Europe je součástí společnosti IDEXX Laboratories, která je předním hráčem na trhu s diagnostickými a informačními technologickými řešeními v oblasti veterinární medicíny. IDEXX má ústředí v americkém Maine a zaměstnává více než 5 000 lidí ve více než 60 světových regionech. Více než 50 000 veterinárním praxím na celém světě pomáháme zdokonalovat lékařskou péči, zvyšovat produktivitu personálu a dosahovat vyšších zisků. Daří se nám to díky integrovanému portfoliu diagnostických testů prováděných přímo v ordinaci (např. SNAP), přístrojů k okamžitému testování (např. hematologické analyzátory Procyte Dx a Lasercyte Dx nebo biochemické analyzátory Catalyst Dx a Catalyst One Dx), poskytování referenčních laboratorních služeb a také nabídce řešení v oblasti digitální radiografie a řízení veterinárních praxí.
  • IDEXX | Россия - Компания IDEXX Europe входит в группу компаний IDEXX Laboratories, которая является лидером на мировом рынке диагностических и ИТ решений для лечения животных. Головная компания расположена в штате Мэн, США, а всего в IDEXX работает более 5000 человек более чем в 60 странах мира. Наш основной бизнес заключается в том, чтобы помогать более 50 000 ветеринарным клиникам во всем мире улучшать качество оказываемых медицинских услуг, повышать производительность персонала и прибыльность. Мы добиваемся этого, предоставляя им интегрированный портфель диагностических экспресс-тестов (например, SNAP), медицинских устройств (например, гематологических анализаторов Procyte Dx и Lasercyte Dx, биохимических анализаторов Catalyst Dx и Catalyst One Dx), услуг референтных лабораторий, цифровой рентгенографии и решений для управления деятельностью ветклиник.
  • IDEXX | Slovensko - IDEXX Europe je súčasťou spoločnosti IDEXX Laboratories, ktorá je popredným hráčom na trhu s diagnostickými a informačnými technologickými riešeniami v oblasti veterinárnej medicíny. IDEXX má ústredie v americkom Maine a zamestnáva viac ako 5 000 ľudí vo viac ako 60 svetových regiónoch. Viac ako 50 000 veterinárnym praxiam na celom svete pomáhame zdokonaľovať lekársku starostlivosť, zvyšovať produktivitu personálu a dosahovať vyššie zisky. Darí sa nám to vďaka integrovanému portfóliu diagnostických testov vykonávaných priamo v ordinácii (napr. SNAP), prístrojov na okamžité testovanie (napr. hematologické analyzátory Procyte Dx a Lasercyte Dx alebo biochemické analyzátory Catalyst Dx a Catalyst One Dx), poskytovaniu referenčných laboratórnych služieb a tiež ponuke riešení v oblasti digitálnej rádiografie a riadenia veterinárnych praxí.
  • IDEXX | Products and Solutions - IDEXX Europe offers a wide range of veterinary diagnostic analysers and tests. The four areas IDEXX covers are: In-house analysers (e.g. ProCyte, LaserCYte, Catalysts, CatOne), Pet side tests (e.g. SNAP), laboratory services and practice management solutions (e.g. Animana). 
  • IDEXX | In-house Diagnostics - IDEXX Diagnostic Analysers, IDEXX SNAP and other pet-side tests. Flexible, accurate real-time results for efficient work flow and better information management for the veterinary professional. Veterinarians rely more and more on IDEXX in-house diagnostic analysers.
  • IDEXX | In-House analyser - IDEXX In-house analyzers range from Chemistry analyzers, Electrolyte analyser and Endocrinology analyser (Catalyst Dx, Catalyst One Dx, VetTest, VetStat, VetLyte), to Haematology analyser and Coag analyzer (ProCyte Dx, Lasercyte Dx, Coag Dx)
  • IDEXX | In-clinic test menu for veterinary practices - View the comprehensive test menu from IDEXX available through our In-clinic solutions: ranging from haematology analyzers to chemistry analysers for use in veterinary practices.
  • IDEXX | SNAP and Pet Side Tests - Point-of-care testing with actionable results, every time. IDEXX SNAP Tests have ELISA Technology inside; proven to be superior for diagnostic sensitivity and specificity. IDEXX SNAP Tests cover: infectious disease (SNAP 4Dx Plus, SNAP 3Dx, SNAP FIV/FEelC Combo, SNAP Leishmania, SNAP Giardia, SNAP Parvo), cardiac (SNAP Feline ProBNP) and pancreatic (SNAP cPL, SNAP fPL). Veterinary testimonials for IDEXX SNAP show their value. 
  • IDEXX | Reference Laboratory - Comprehensive diagnostic menu, including exclusive IDEXX tests. Learn why customers benefit from working with IDEXX: complimentary consultations from board-certified veterinary specialists and pathologists. Convenient, flexible service and delivery options. Partnership with the industry leader in diagnostic innovation, support, and education.
  • IDEXX | Reference Laboratory Comprehensive Test Menu - When it comes to caring for your patients, you know accurate test results are just the beginning. That’s why only IDEXX Reference Laboratories delivers more. IDEXX diagnostic testing: accurate, reliable and trusted by veterinarians.
  • IDEXX | IDEXX Reference Laboratory Service Request Forms - IDEXX United Kingdom Reference Laboratory forms for download. Here you will find all the forms you need in order to start utilising the IDEXX reference laboratory. Everything from the new customer forms to histology, microbiology, PCR, Small animal
  • IDEXX | Veterinary Practice Management - Solutions from IDEXX to help veterinary surgeries that are overwhelmed today with data and information. IDEXX can help you spend more time caring for pets and less time on administration and management. Examples: PIMS, IDEXX Animana, VetLab Station, VetConnect Plus and Interlink.

    Country:, Europe, NL

    City: 4.9167 North Holland, Netherlands

  • MTFF - Keeps me in line, husband happy!

    My husband says I'm "all over the place", especially during my lady-time when I can become irrational and emotional, not to mention unreliable in the leaks and unpleasant odor department. When I'm rushing home from my job, where my boss is kind enough to allow me to come in at 6am so I leave in time to make dinner, I tend to forget what it was I was supposed to be cooking, although you could say that is because I am not logical and qualified enough to do two things at once. Family harmony was threatened by my general inability to make good judgements and not be able to find Cabinets, so my lovely man thoughtfully bought this binder and he clips me into it whenever things get out of hand. We're all SO much happier. It's very sturdy and comfortingly dark when closed tightly and stuffed into the back of a dusty drawer. Also, our daughter had some uppity ideas about controlling her own reproductive system so he shoved her in here until after the election. I like it when he does that because now I have someone to discuss recipes with while we're 'on file'!

  • Andy - Days of Futures Past

    Amazing still it seems: as of this year, Jimmy Eat World will be 23. In that time, they have graduated from scrappy upstarts to radio staples and upwards to reliable elder statesmen, carefully churning out albums at a deliberate pace (one every three years) and always making sure to change things up along the way. In that spirit, the band's ninth album marks yet another turning of the page for the Arizona quartet. While they previously banked on the sort of infectious melodies that made "The Middle" and "Work" so ubiquitous back in the day, what Jimmy Eat World traffics in these days is something a little more subtle yet no less compelling.

  • Kory C Kennedy - They are fine just not as expected.

    Fits fine but not quite the depth on top as expected so even though I was underwhelmed, they are fine.

  • Mary MacElman - a little oily but would use with other products

    I found that it did help flyaway hair but by the end of the day my hair was oily. I now use it spaced out with my regular shampoo like every other time or so. I may try to put it in a spray bottle mixed with water and see if that helps.