

State Level Registry for the Medi-Cal EHR Incentive Program - California’s State Level Registry (SLR) is a portal through which eligible providers and hospitals can register for the Medi-Cal Electronic Health Record (EHR) Incentive Program.

Country:, North America, US

City: -74.2111 New Jersey, United States

  • Sara King - To Microsoft, From a Professional Writer: Word is Buggy, Non-Intuitive, Utterly Reworked, Aggravating, Horrible.

    First off, I have been using Microsoft Word professionally since its inception, approximately 8-14 hours a day since the days of Works. Secondly, I am on an utterly fantastic computer, so the bugs I'm experiencing are NOT my hardware. Thirdly, and I think this sums it up for all longtime Windows users: They did to Microsoft Word what they did to Windows with Windows 8. There was absolutely no reason Microsoft had to do this to such a successful and GOOD product.

  • Tina - I bought this replacement for my 2011 GMC Terrain since ...

    I bought this replacement for my 2011 GMC Terrain since the factory antenna would hit when backing into the garage. This product was my problem solver!!