
Notes Sante | Refroidir à être facile! - Votre animal de compagnie est gravement malade? A-t-on besoin des antibiotiques pour les chiens ou les chats? On peut les acheter dans les pharmacies

  • La liste des antidépresseurs qu’on peut acheter en France - L’état dépressif est devenue un phénomène courant dans le monde d’aujourd’hui. Notre rythme de vie effréné, l’abondance d’informations dont le cerveau humain
  • Comment maigrir sans faire de sport - conseils pour perdre du poids - Perdre du poids sans sport vraiment. Pour ce faire, vous devez suivre quelques conseils pour perdre du poids. 100% des méthodes de travail, basé sur
  • Comment perdre du poids vite 5, 10, 15 et 20 kg en 1 mois - Savez-vous comment perdre du poids de 5, 10, 15, 20 kg pour seulement 1 mois? Dans cet article, vous trouverez les meilleures méthodes de travail pour la perte
  • Acheter Le Viagra pour femme (lybrido) en ligne - Le Viagra pour femme (lybrido) vous aidera à resentir le plaisir sexuel. Acheter le Viagra pour femme en France, c’est simple. Lisez plus dans cet article
  • Liste des antibiotiques à large spectre - La liste des quatre antibiotiques les plus efficaces à large spectre. Description complète de chaque médicament. Nous vous disons également lorsque ces

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  • John V. - Fenix PD 32 UE Ultimate

    Very powerful with great range and Fenix ease of use. I have the PD32 flashlight and love it. This UE version gives a kick to the light that when on high power has great depth of field.

  • Booked Every Night - A Sweet Slow Build

    This book is a slow sweet build with just the right amount of angst and the perfect touch of drama. R.S. Grey is a newer author to me but I have loved everything I have read of hers.

  • Michael Thompson - What an extremely frustrating bunch of experiences

    After exporting my company from Online Simple Start to QB Desktop-Pro w/E. Payroll, the company first showed up blank. Then I called and got 4 different people that spoke broken English and couldn't understand what I was trying to explain to them. The first set of phone calls cost me 2 hours of time, only to have my company set up, but my payroll information didn't transfer, so I had to re-setup my liabilities and all of the wages etc. I tried to print a payroll check on my blank check stock that I used for the Online Payroll, and it printed with no account numbers. After ANOTHER over 2 hour call with MANY conversations with reps again with broken English and being transferred from cue to cue, I finally got someone who could help me and told me that you CAN'T print on blank check stock, it needs to be "preprinted" with your bank info etc, therefore costing another $108 for 250 checks. My computer has since crashed in THIS quickbooks desktop version 3 times, and continuously kept freezing up and locking my system up. I am returning the product for the full refund to quickbooks. This is absolutely ridiculous, the time and stress of trying to save a couple hundred dollars by switching to desktop has cost me almost just as much in product, then MORE if you count my time of being on the phone and having to recreate most things that you would think would transfer over. I'll stick to online and then have the system back-up my files too.

  • Judy Sutherland - and could be better replaced by any cheap KMart version

    $227 and these floor mats are flimsy, poorly cut, don't fit, and could be better replaced by any cheap KMart version. Very disappointed!! Not at all like the sturdy one they show on TV. And SLIPPERY when wet. I made a huge mistake!!