

MEAHCO - Saudi German Hospitals - The Saudi German Hospitals - owned by the Middle East Healthcare Company (MEAHCO) - is the largest leading heath provider in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Current Hospital branches: Jeddah, Riyadh, Medina & Aseer.

Country:, North America, US

City: -90.4444 Missouri, United States

  • cheryL_ann - 5 #SayYesToLove stars

    This book has something that I didn't want to put down (and read it in one sitting). Something that keeps me flippin' my kindle pages and makes me happy, excited and swoony reading it. A storyline that just made me freaking melt.

  • James Robert Brock - These are great, despite the bad reviews on some of the ...

    These are great, despite the bad reviews on some of the buyers, I was in a town that required total noise reduction and I just closed the damper....opened it up when I left and it was great. Sure the stainless is not as bright as chrome but it looks good anyway.

  • Simón - IT WORKS!

    This product works great and I first heard about it through Scotty Kilmer on YouTube. I thought how could a product like this be so versatile and really work great. I love the fact that it soaks in and does not wash away with rain or water. I used it on my 1991 Cadillac Deville that was squeaking from the front driver-side shock. Once I applied the spray and let it sit for a day (as suggested by Scotty Kilmer) the squeaking had vanished and the car was riding quiet again. I also when all around the car and sprayed all the rubber bushings and what not after re-greasing all the ports.

  • Max A. Lebow - A Good Value -- Still Ahead of Its Time

    If one has not lost a job recently, or quit in disgust, one is considered fortunate. The turnover rate at companies large and small is growing. Outsourcing, economic slowdowns and other factors, like globalization make job security in most fields a thing of the past.