
Anonymous - Anonymous - Bavolex is a natural IBS remedy that treats irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) quickly and effectively. It's scientifically formulated based on several clinical studies.

Country:, North America, US

City: -77.4512 Virginia, United States

  • Amazon Customer - ONLY BUY ON ADVOCARE.COM...

    First off let me start by saying it is actually prohibited to sale this product through any other commercial website such as this. If you pay $250 for this its your own fault, you are not getting everything that the challenge offers. Everyone has different reactions to different things and there is no way of knowing who will have a reaction to what. Some people are allergic to peanuts some aren't so it may work for some people but not all. I highly recommend you not buy this on any other website but ADVOCARE.COM because this is not where this is to be sold.

  • naturopathicnd - Sales pitch for product

    I love reading books about health and try to stay current with information. However, I was extremely disappointed with this book. It is nothing more than a thinly disguised sales pitch for the author's products.