www.alobrasilcomunicacao.com.br Review:



Alô Brasil Comunicação - Marketing Digital, Redes Sociais e Mídia Offline - Agência de publicidade especializada em Marketing Digital, Inbound Marketing, Google Adwords, Criação de conteúdo, Administração de Rede Sociais, Facebook Ads e grande expertise em mídia offline com planejamento estratégico e foco nos resultados.

Country:, South America, BR

City: -43.2192 , Brazil

  • Luna Le'Strange - if it's broken, they fix it with free shipping

    I had to return my first pair because the on button stop working. the refund was quick and the replacements were quick as well. I just received the replacement and everything seems to be functioning properly.

  • AZ Mommy - Don't buy!!!!

    First, I must say that I 'was' a loyal leappad customer. We've owned 3 leappads (1 original & 2 Leappad 2) and loved them. We purchased the Ultra almost 60 days ago and it has been a NIGHTMARE! Between the 200+ hours it has spent 'updating' and 'reloading the profile' (after it updates it wipes the machine clear so you have to go through the entire reload/create a profile. We've done this now 8 times), 20+ emails to technical support, 5+ phone calls & countless tears to myself/husband it has wasted a better part of my life. One thing to be aware of Leappad's customer support is only open 9am - 5pm M to F EST. If you work then you are out of luck! The online email response just sends you the 'cut and paste' fixes from the website. I know I'm not a tech geek, but yes I did check online before calling/emailing. The worst part was when the Leappad took over 8 hours to 'update' (wipe the computer clean) for the 5th time and then took 36 hours to update with all the purchased apps. We've spent almost $1,000 on apps which makes my heart break. If I knew how poorly the Ultra was made and that the tech support was so pathetic I would've stayed loyal with the Leappad 2. On paper the Ultra sounds amazing (i.e., no batteries, bigger screen, Wifi, etc.) but when it doesn't work, takes countless hours to attempt to fix, etc. it isn't worth it. My poor daughter is so confused why I can't just fix it. Worst use of money on a toy yet. Sorry Leappad, I really wanted to love you, but you made it impossible. My suggestion...spend less money on marketing and more money on infrastructure (tech support, R&D).