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  • NIdaho - Great resource

    This book is great if you are traveling the interstates. It lists all the rest areas, fuel stops and those that are RV or bigger rig friendly as well as other services you look for while traveling.We buy it every year. This was the first time we bought it on Amazon it was less expensive than the books website and was at my door in under two days.

  • flowers - Excellent exercise chair

    I have Primary Progress MS and was looking for an exercise chair that would meet my needs. It is an excellent product and I would recommend the durable, strong, high quality chair to anyone..

  • happyjo - wonderful, wonderful, wonderful

    I used this in the 90's and loved it. I bought many jars. then suddenly I couldn't find it, the stores I was buying it from had closed. periodically I have looked for it , and was never successful. when I saw it on line..........I snapped it up. it smells so good and it feels wonderful to use.

  • Flea - Great to hear from Ronson

    Good book. Nice to hear Ronson on the topic we're all thinking about. Enjoyable (but of course you want a full book on an idea)

  • CATHY HAYNES - great game

    I have been playing for quite a while and love the game. So many places to visit and the challenges are tremendous. It really makes me think of new ways to complete the game. I would recommend it.