www.correctionalassociation.org Review:



» Correctional Association of New York: Correctional Association of New York: A Force for Progressive Change in the Criminal Justice System Since 1844 - A Force for <span class="red">Progressive Change</span> in the Criminal Justice System Since 1844

Country:, North America, US

City: -87.6441 Illinois, United States

  • Pamela Hart Vines - I Don't Feel Different.

    My uncle recommended the ADEG product. He loves it! So, I ordered it and I've been taking it for about two weeks. I'm sorry to say I don't feel any different. It's nice to know I'm getting the alleged extra nutrients to my diet, but I suppose I expected to feel miraculous or something. I put a scoop into my veggie/fruit smoothie but the flavor overpowered the natural taste of the vegetables and fruit. I'm not a fan of the taste, although it's not terrible. To save my smoothies--, I've begun to take the product all alone. I put a scoop into 4-6 oz of water in a glass and I just chug it down as though it is a vitamin. I'll keep taking the scoop-a-day of ADEG, but if I don't notice anything different (joints or skin or energy) by the time I finish the canister, I will not buy it again.

  • Trang Lai - This will give you a great workout as well

    My son absolutely loves this. He's active and loves to dance! This will give you a great workout as well.

  • Eduardo Fernandez R - excellent buy

    really do not understand why such bad reviews ... is a fast, silent printer, paper can not be easier to install ... for this price can not ask for more ... bad? installation is a bit complicated because there are multiple disk drivers and some are not of this machine ... but from the other reviews here are excellent tips to make it work ... if your selling point is based on the web you have to adjust the margins in the browser ... other than that ... a good buy ...

  • PCDummy - suggestion

    I do not buy books for Amazon Kindle because having the title and author is not enough for me. I need at least a two paragraph description of what the book is about. Once in a while, I will go over to Audible to read a description and I may or may not come back to Amazon. Thank you.

  • G. Uhrich - The easiest AV software I have ever used.

    Out of all of the different AV software I have used over the years, from free to paid, this is definitely the easiest I've encountered. It's an extremely small download, a small overall package, and it's very fast with scans, normally finishing in less than a minute. It also protects you from suspect web sites, blocking them from opening, though you can still open the page with a click if you choose to. Using this in conjunction with something like the free version of Malwarebytes gives me complete protection that I feel confident with, though Webroot also protects against malware and such, so the second program isn't really needed. I've just used it for years, so I continue to use it to supplement my purchased AV program. Also, the only difference between this and the more expensive "Internet Security Plus" edition is that the ISP edition can protect your smart phone, which I don't even have, and has a password manager, which I wouldn't use.