www.dcsno.org Review:



Daughters of Charity Services of New Orleans - The Daughters of Charity have been in the New Orleans area since the early 1800’s providing essential healthcare to the community. After the sale of Hotel Dieu Hospital in 1992, the Daughters transitioned their efforts, establishing a community health ministry known today as Daughters of Charity Services of New Orleans (DCSNO).

Country:, North America, US

City: -122.3321 Washington, United States

  • Karen W - We Love Our LeapPad

    We received an advanced copy of the LeapPad to review and my girls were very excited when it arrived. I was more than happy to review a new product from Leapfrog because we are big fans of Leapfrog BUT what made me excited was I knew we could use the games from our Explorer. That was a huge plus for me. All these different games are great but the cartridges aren't cheap so to use the games we have already, is BIG. Thank you Leapfrog for helping us save money.

  • Stephen - Perfect at what it's supposed to do and be

    This computer is not meant to be a desktop replacement. It is not for everyone, either, as Google's ad states. However, it is a computer that can be utilized by many people. I'll talk about the following aspects of the computer in this review: 1. Keyboard 2. Trackpad 3. Screen 4. Performance 5. What can people use it for in general? 6. Price, build quality and wrap-up