www.dietquest.co.za Review:



DietQuest - Home Page - Dietquest is designed for all those who are seeking better health for themselves and their loved ones,and are keen to do something for themselves. Conventional medicine tends to be 'pharmaceutically' based, relying on the use of medicines and not emphasising self help,but in the end we are the only ones who can take responsibility for our own health, and so often there is something that we can do to help ourselves, if we only know where to look!Dr Ali has been a GP with an interest in complementary medicine and health for many years. Having had the experience of being 'on the wrong side of the sheets', she came to realise that many problems are not insurmountable, but so often the solution was not in the hands of the medical staff. She hopes that this web site will bring together a few of the suggestions that she has found in her own search, and serve as a forum for sharing of ideas that have helped others.

Country:, Africa, ZA

City: 24 , South Africa

  • Brenda Smith - great resource book

    Very good book tells about everything you need to know and more. I would recommend this book for anyone seeking info about social security.

  • Mizary - Magic

    I love Mane n' Tail products, their for animals and humans alike. This hair strengthener works like magic on my straight baby fine hair. I love that I can put this strengthener and the Mane n' Tail detangler in one bottle for dual action when brushing my hair. Its smells great and leaves very little residue. Shines up pretty good too!

  • Dancegrl - Great game from the start!

    I got this game yesterday and did the first workout last night. It was a circuit training workout so we started with 5 min of running on the beach (Island Run) then went into the circuits. I could really feel my heart pumping and my arms working. I like that you can customize your resolutions and workout on days you want to and do specific exercises if you want to. Jillian is right there encouraging you when you're keeping up and (gently pushing you to try harder LOL!) when you're not. The environments are nice and varied and the music choices are energetic! My husband just ordered the Beachbody INSANITY workout, but I will be using Jillian's insane workout game to keep me in shape!

  • Charlene Guibeau - 2014 Grammy Nominees CD

    I have not listened to this CD yet but am familiar with each of the songs. A fantastic compilation of the best of the best. Well worth buying. Great to listen to in the car. You won't even mind sitting in traffic with this assortment.

  • Amazon Customer - I noticed that my scars were fading and my skin felt like actual skin

    in order for this product to work, you need to first cleanse your skin with warm water and some deep pore cleanser of your choice. Then this product will go into your pores and it will work. If you just put it on right after taking off your makeup without taking all the bacteria and dirt out first, then it will only pile up and cause you to break out more.