www.lindakonnerliteraryagency.com Review:



Linda Konner Literary Agency :: NYC Nonfiction Literary Agent :: About Linda Konner - Linda Konner Literary Agency, Linda, Konner, LKLA, nonfiction, bestseller literary agent agency nyc nonfiction, science, health, business, finance, parenting, popular culture, literary, books, publishing, self-help, diet, fitness, medical, health, how-to, New York, New York City, Manhattan

Country:, North America, US

City: -111.8906 Arizona, United States

  • Amazon Customer - awesome

    I highly recommend this book. I was greatly challenged by the moving life examples of individuals who chose to walk a simple life with God through their choice. Those are what are etched in my mind and what I am using to encourage me to declutter my soul...!

  • Philmco - The worst antivirus I've ever tried

    I bought this for our laptops (one with windows 7 and XP, (mine) I've never had problems before this download and I sure had them with Bitdefender. When coming out of standby my laptop would lock up tight and only when I forced a shutdown and reboot did it recover. The user control panel for BD always told me I had 2 issues that needed fixing, always the same 2..."Update now" and "Scan now" which I would do but there they were again reminding me that I needed to do it again and again. The software slowed my laptop waaaaaaaaay down, I couldn't retrieve emails. After 3 straight days of this I had enough and dumped it, went back to AVG and I have my old Dell XP laptop back again