www.marcasquemarcam.pt Review:



Marcas que Marcam – QSP Consultoria de Marketing. - Marcas que Marcam® – QSP Consultoria de Marketing. Marca que Marca® é uma distinção conferida às marcas em 80 categorias.

Country:, Europe, PT

City: -7.9097 Viseu, Portugal

  • NWilliamson - Great Stuff

    Awesome coffee. The shipping is also great. Ordered at least twice and will order again. I ordered more of this coffee for my Dad. He's not the easiest to please when it comes to coffee but he loves this.

  • yoursmineoursfam - The new normal

    This game is ok. It is majorly disappointing that the company is selling subscription based dlc and just as equally disappointing that consumers are dishing out money for it.

  • BORN AGAIN - that's why I knew for sure it was going to work great for me

    I ordered the original and waited one month to get it. I became a distributor because I was seeing so many results and I was so excited because I was going to lose 15-20 pounds in a month or two and one package two tea bags that makes one gallon is a 30 day supply for 39.95 and I got mine for half price because I became a distributor at the 100 dollar investment. Today is June 18, and I am on my 6 pack 12 tea bags which should have lasted for 5-6 months and I HAVE NOT LOST A POUND!!! I am not one to ever hardly complain, but I am so hurt and embarrassed because I was telling everyone about it and it did absolutely nothing. I've been told that the tea used to be dark and mine I made it exactly according to the directions on the packs of tea and the tea was very very very light. I even put it in cup size and it was dark but I still lost not one pound. I am not a extremely overweight person, that's why I knew for sure it was going to work great for me. There is a site called the Moneyteam that used to be with Iaso Tea and she pulled out with her customers and up line reps, and she told me that she heard the ingredients have been changed. They definitely must have been and changed for the worse. Please do not waste your money on this product and yes I am upset and I don't want anyone else to get their hopes up on this tea, because it does not work. I'm not fat, I just wanted to lose the extra pounds I've put on my thighs and muffin top. I had even spent over 100 dollars at Staples while I was waiting for the tea on business cards, promotional before and after photos of people poster and I have not given out one card neither will I promote something that does not work, because I live a Godly (Jesus Christ) life.