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  • KingsProspect_KAZMA - Great Product accompied by great service.

    This is one of the best if not the best companies I have ever purchased a product from. Let's start with the product, it's a very rich and moisturizing butter that has a calming smell to it. My wife used it for about 2 weeks now and she has told me how smooth her skin is, I can't comment on whether it helps prevent or clears any stretch marks because we haven't gotten that far yet. The actual company is so welcoming and caring. It feels like I've known them for so long but in actuality it's my first purchase. I received a welcome email and all sorts of friendly emails. I look forward to buying more products from Best Nest.

  • Antonio J. Arilo - RAM upgradable to 16GB and beats most $300 notebooks on the market. HIDDEN GOLDMINE

    As the titles states. The RAM and the HDD is upgradable. I've personally installed an extra 4gb RAM chip making it 8gb RAM (can be maxed out to 16gb) and transferred the data and boot from the 32gb HDD to a 250gb SSD spending a total of $270 with the laptop included. This notebook is a hidden goldmine and I'm not sure if this was intentional by HP but I'm very happy with it... Unfortunately the 1.8 ghz CPU cannot be upgraded but honestly if you aren't planning on doing any heavy gaming and/or video rendering then this notebook beats them all at the price. It even excels beyond most $300 notebooks with the upgrades.

  • MHMich - It works!

    I have been using this for almost 2 months. I am definitely noticing a healthy nail grow back. I use tea-tree oil in the morning and this every night. So far so good! I just ordered a new tube. The 1st tube lasted over 2 months. I am using it on my toe-nail. Growing a healthy nail back has been a slow process but it is growing back healthy!