www.shroton.org Review:



Shroton - Iwerne Courtney | Dorset Village | Blackmore Vale - Shroton / Iwerne Courtney village website - information for residents and visitors of Shroton, a rural Dorset village in England.

Country:, North America, US

City: -97.822 , United States

  • A. Davis - Use a mask!

    We used this but didn't notice any change. Also, be careful breathing the stuff in. I was spreading it into the carpets and some dust went up my nose and I was in pain for hours. If you decide to get this, wear a mask!

  • JenniferB - Perfect for Alberta!

    Living in Alberta, the winters are long. Six months at least, maybe seven, it's April and we still have around two feet of snow on the ground. Seriously. We have tried all sorts of hand warmers in our efforts to stave off some of the winter cold. The disposable heating packs that you bend to get started work for a while, but they are expensive, and you can't re-use them.

  • Cookie47 - I'm very disappointment and feel this was a waste of money

    I ordered this product at the end of May along with the green coffee bean extract, I omitted the green coffee bean supplement thinking it was over stimulating my system ,As it caused very severe headaches not to mention it didn't suppress my appetite whatsoever. I'm very disappointment and feel this was a waste of money, as the return policy has elapsed already. Needless to say I will not be ordering this again

  • S. Lowrie - Keep it coming, guys!

    What's to not like? After more than a decade the soap opera continues with skilled performances, engaging stories, insightful writing and gripping images of life in a hospital setting. Honestly, it's total fantasy but a valued guilty pleasure nevertheless!

  • #amazonaddict - Smells good. Does its job without leaving a mess of tangles behind.

    This is more about what it didn't do than what it did. My hair is waist length and fine. There's not a lot I can (or do) with it except the constant braid or bun to keep it out of the way. Still, other shampoos will somehow leave me with tangles or I look like a grease monkey 12 hours later. This shampoo doesn't do that. It washes effectively. It smells pleasant. It rinses completely. And I can go 36 hours before I feel the need to wash before going out in public.

  • Rick - Everything predicted in this movie has come to pass

    D'Souza read Obama's autobiography, and then visited every place referenced in the book, including Kenya. D'Souza said that Obama's actions were not in sync with what he was saying, and found that by reading Obama's autobiobiography and further researching it, Obama's agenda became clear. Everything D'Souza said in this movie has come to pass. The Obama administration had D'Souza investigated by the FBI, that found a campaign donation violation in the amount of $20,000 which he gave to his friends to donate to his favored candidate. For that D'Souza faces sentencing in September expected to be two years in prison, only because he plea bargained down to the lesser of two charges. Such a campaign donation pales compared to those given to Obama, yet those are not investigated.