www.solisida.nc Review:



Accueil - association Solidariré SIDA - Découvrez la page Accueil du site de association Solidariré SIDA, Association Solidarité SIDA

Country:, Europe, FR

City: 2.3387 , France

  • chililady - Heavenly Heart

    Heart is always good!!!! This song is fantastic, always has been. The vocal are out if this world., as usual.

  • B.A. - Miracle Paste Saves a Life

    After my incredibly talented partner spilled red Kool-aid (cherry flavored, of course) onto our lightly colored counter-tops, I thought that I was going to jail for a very long time for first-degree murder. Luckily, I found a video online that was using this product for just this situation. I was relieved that such thing existed and promptly purchased a tub. The product itself smells wonderfully of, ironically, cherries. I followed the instructions by grabbing a wet cloth and applying a small dollop onto the rag before scrubbing the stain. It came up in seconds with very little force required on my part (honestly, less energy than it takes to scrub some dry rice off of a pot). I then proceeded to use it on any sort of gunk I could find in the house. I'm tempted to start making my own messes just so I can use this. Hopefully I won't have to buy another pot in the future, but I would if necessary.

  • Aerianna Trowers - This product works wonders!!!

    This product is AMAZING! Im 16 year old black girl, (sorry if that offends anyone, me saying "black girl") and for me its extremly hard to grow nice length and volume hair.I'm very insucure about my hair for some odd reason and I've tried everything you could imagine for about 2 years, then I discovered this pill. I recently had a bad haircut and they cut my shoulder lenght hair to almost a bob cut. I tried the one month bottle and all my hair grew out again to where it was before, even longer!! I recommend you try this product. (As long as you don't mind the smell.)

  • Patrick Coakley - BUYER BEWARE!!!!!!!!!! Quick Books 2010 Defective

    BUYER BEWARE !!!! Quickbooks charges you ($79)from day one to support the product. The first time I went to use the product it failed. I called support over in the Phiippines and before they would look at the problem they need $79 dollars. Now mind you this is a problem on day one. I then called the corporate office, and talked to Terry and she confirmed NO $ MONEY NO FIX!! I explained again this glich is in their product on day one. I asked to talk to her manager and she responded she was the end of the line in the complaint department. I asked to have Brad Smith whom she said was the president to call me back and she said he will not talk to customers. That leaves the customer knowing that he doesn't care about customers or that there are too many complains to answer. Is Amazon ok with selling products that the vendors will not back? Check it out for yourself call Intuit Quick @ 650-944-6000 and ask for Brad Smith.

  • Amazon Customer - Fast paced

    Good read, fast paced but somewhat hard to imagine some of the characters actions and motivations to situations or lack thereof. If in fact this is how our judicial system works, we are all in trouble. Still an entertaining book and I would recommend to a freind.

  • Donald Michael Platt - refund

    I ordered two bit defender products but could not download them due to glitches in my computer. I immediately asked for a refund.

  • Luis - Samsung Galaxy Prevail ll

    The first one I orded automatically restarted by itself. The one I exchange with you guys was much better. Please consider trying out your phones first.