www.sorimpeksas.com Review:



Sveiki - Mes ne tik prekiaujame medicinos įranga, bet ir diegiame medicinoje pažangias technologijas, aktyviai bendradarbiaujame gydytojų mokymuose, pacientų švietimo programose. Įmonės internetiniame puslapyje sau naudingų žinių ir informacijos ras tiek medikas, tiek pacientas, tiek medicinos įrangą aptarnaujantis inžinierius.

Country:, Europe, LT

City: 24 , Republic of Lithuania

  • K. Crawford - Hot and awkward

    The up/down buttons are in a dangerous place, where your fingers are, so I kept hitting the up button and the temperature climbs fast! The entire brush is big, heavy and awkward to use.

  • Berley Roberts - Arthritis

    As anyone who is dealing with arthritis knows, it is a daily, hourly, situation of pain especially in the morning when waking up, Tylenol makes it possible to get

  • penny8va - Software not as advertised

    I didn't have high expectations for a 17.99 smart watch, but this one is not worth the trouble. I bought it to sync to my phone so I could keep up with my calls and messages. The sync app works fine as does the phone. When I decided to use this watch with a sim card, I found that the software didn't work as it said it would. The browser or other apps didn't work at all. It turns out that you have to set up an APN in order to use these apps. After trouble shooting it, I found that it was missing the connectivity menu in the settings meaning that I didn't even have the option to set up an APN. I realize that this isn't a $300 smart watch, but if it's going to be advertised with certain features, I would expect them to work as advertised.

  • Sparkalicious - Best baby invention ever!

    I wish I could rate this 100 stars b/c it's seriously the best snot sucker out on the market period.

  • LUVNROSE - Works Great, Finally Mold Gone!!

    I have had some stubborn black mold on my concrete wall and I have tried many products and power washed etc to remove. This stuff works great. I had to apply it a few times in some really bad areas that have been there for years but that;s OK as long as it kills the roots of the mold which it appears to do.